Wings Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 21 Unique Sources About Wings

sleeping boy


Dream Meanings About The Wings

In the United States (and maybe all around the world), there is a renewed interest in angels. People are thinking about them and surrounding themselves with images of them. Angels seem to have gained respect and appreciation and their wings are their most famous and valuable characteristic. Wings are associated with flying, which in turn is associated with freedom and the heavenly domain. Dreaming about wings suggests that you may have a desire to be “angelic,” have a need for angelic protection, or want to transcend any current difficulties and problems. Consider the mood of your dream and what type of wings you were seeing.

If they were animal wings, look up birds. Superstition based dream interpretation books say that if you hear gentle flopping of wings you will hear good news. However, loud and powerful flapping of wings is said to be a warning against illegal or immoral activities, specifically those in which money is involved.

See Also: Flying


Wings symbolize, since immemorial times, spirituality, imagination, and freedom. Therefore, already in ancient Greece, they appeared in some fabulous animals such as Pegasus or the snakes of Ceres. On the contrary, according to Christian symbolism, wings are the sun that always illuminates the intelligence of the just. In oneiric terms, wings predict success, achieving goals, and overcoming difficulties. Therefore, such images should encourage the person to jump into action (it is time to take flight). Finally, wings are also a symbol that appears before great travels. Since they also represent the imagination and knowledge, dreaming of wings predicts positive results on upcoming tests or examinations you face.


(Guild) If one sees himself flying with wings in a dream, it means travel. Wings in a dream also represent one's children.

If one sees his wings feathered, this could represent his prosperity or authority.

If someone sees himself flying with someone else's wings in the dream, it means that he will receive his help and support. In that sense, traditional people say; " So and so flew with so and so's wings. " Having wings and not using them to fly with in a dream means acquiring worldly wealth.


Wings are associated with flying, which in turn is associated with freedom. Dreaming about wings suggests that you may be having a desire to “fly and be free”. This could be in reaction to a desire to transcend any current difficulties and problems. Traditionally, if you hear gentle flopping of wings you will hear good news. However, loud and powerful flapping of wings is said to be a warning against illegal or immoral activities -- specifically those in which money is involved.


1- Bccause wings make us think of flight, to dream of, for instance, birds’ wings would suggest attention is being drawn to our need for freedom.

A broken wing indicates that a previous trauma is preventing us from ‘taking off”’.

2- Wings can also be protective, and this symbolism often appears in dreams.

An angel’s wings would depict the power to transcend our difficulties, as also would the wings of a bird of prey.

3- The protecting, all-pervading power of God.


Flying implies an ability to defy gravity, which is one of the most powerful symbols in the human experience. Wings are the agents of flight, and in this way they are evidence of your own power to elevate your experience up from any depths. Consider what the wings in your dream are attached to. Once you have a satisfying interpretation of that symbol, add the element of rising to higher consciousness through the presence of wings.


(See Also: Birds by type. Butterfly, Feathers, Flying, Insects by type) Freedom and liberation.

The ability- to lift your vision above circumstances and see a broader picture. Flexibility and spontaneity (e.g., “winging it”).

A source of protection and safety, as when an angel covers you with its wings, or when a bird is able to escape a predator through flight.


To dream that you have wings, foretells that you will experience grave fears for the safety of some one gone on a long journey away from you.

To see the wings of fowls or birds, denotes that you will finally overcome adversity and rise to wealthy degrees and honor.


Wings are a symbol of transcendence. A winged creature or person may represent a part of your psyche beckoning you to a ‘higher5 - more spiritual, or more detached - perspective, a ‘higher5 level of consciousness; or liberation from an oppressive situation.


If you dream that you have wings, you are worried forr the well-being of a loved one who has traveled away.

To see the wings of birds in your dreams symbolizes that you have overcome your struggle to attain wealth and recognition.


Dreams of wings signify a desire for freedom, abandon, glory, -expression and to take flight from the confines of your earthbound life that you may feel a closer connection to God/Goddess/Spirit.

See Also: Bird, Fly.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Wings can be protective, and this symbolism often appears in dreams. Folded wings can suggest sorrow, whereas open wings would seem to signify unconditional love.


Wings generally symbolize the protecting, all-pervading power of god.

An angel’s wings would depict the power to transcend our difficulties, as also would the wings of a bird of prey.


To dream of having them forecasts your own death, or that of the person to whom they are attached (Gypsy). The symbol of immortality.


Figurative of god’s loving care and protection, i.E.

A hen gathers her chicks under her wings for safety; if a bird, see “bird”


Freedom. Soar to new heights. No limitations. Through awakening spiritual consciousness there is nothing you cannot achieve.


1. Desire to be free of some situation.

2. Reflection of one’s angelic qualities, or those of someone else.


Symbolic of freedom and rest from trouble, Ps. 55:6. Wings also symbolize swift movement, Jer. 48:9


1. Cover;

2. Prophet;

3. Spirit of God; Psalm 91:4


A bad dream; you will lose money.


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