Wedding-day Dream Interpretation

sleeping boy


A Dream Interpretation About The Wedding-day

For a young woman to dream that she is celebrating her wedding-day, denotes that, except she is exceedingly wary, and guard well her chastity, she will have to mourn over her blighted prospects, the loss of her fair fame, and her shame and disgrace. For a young man to dream that he is honoring his weddingday, signifies that, unless he is vigilant and svatchful, he will bejilted by the object of his affections. For an aged woman to dream that it is her wedding-day, is an indication that she will soon be a widow. For an aged man to dream that it is his wedding-day, indicates that death will soon call him away from this world.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]

14 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about wedding and day related.


To attend a wedding in your dream, you will speedily find that there is approaching you an occasion which will cause you bitterness and delayed success.For a young woman to dream t...

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Wedding / Wedding Dress / Wedding Ring

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Marriage, Wedding

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Wedding Planner

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Wedding Veil

Dreams of a wedding veil signify suspense and the magical mystery of your relationship. You are realizing that you will never really know all there is to know about your beloved, a...

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Wedding Clothes

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Wedding Officiant

(See Officiant)...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation