sleeping boy


Wearing Cream Color Dress | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Wearing Cream Color Dress

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about wearing, cream, color and dress related.

Ice Cream

To dream that you are eating ice cream, foretells you will have happy success in affairs already undertaken.To see children eating it, denotes prosperity and happiness will attend ...

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Each color has a specific meaning that is important and should always be researched accordingly...

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A dress implies submission; research details, such as design, length, color, fabric, etc....

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To dream of seeing cream served, denotes that you will be associated with wealth if you are engaged in business other than farming.To the farmer, it indicates fine crops and pleasa...

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First off you must explore the feeling you get from the particular color being show to you.Have you preconceived thoughts on certain colors?You have to take this into account.If yo...

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Wedding Dress

see Marriage...

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Wedding / Wedding Dress / Wedding Ring

A wedding can symbolize the sacred union between the spiritual and physical. In former times it was seen as a ritual that brought fertility to the earth. Within the human being the...

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Violet (color)

1. Faith, gentleness, peace and serenity.2. Communi­cation and happiness in intimate relationships. ...

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Dress (white)

To dream of a woman in a white dress or, if a woman, to dream of wearing a white dress, portends that you will be accused of some malicious gossip but will be proven innocent....

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Cream Puff


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A picture is a memory of substance, and the water implies a blessed memory; see “water”...

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Amber (color)

1. Fear that one’s child might be abducted.2. One is receiving a warning to slow down. ...

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Green (color)

1. Virginity.2. Birth.3. Dissatisfaction.4. A new ex­perience or fear of new experiences.5. One feels at home in a healthy outdoor environment.6. “Green light” to go ahead on ...

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White (color)

1. Purity.2. Truth.3. Cleansing.4. Religious experi­ence or revelation. ...

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(See Maroon)...

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Ice Cream Salesman

(Cooling) An ice cream salesman in a dream represents a hard working person who labors to provide comfort to others, whose efforts are praiseworthy, and whose earnings are blessed....

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Wearing A Pearl Necklace

If a person sees himself wearing a necklace made of pearls, it means he will commit the Holy Qur’aan to memory and he will become trustworthy and Allah-fearing. He will be a pers...

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Wearing A Ring, Necklace Or Earrings

If a person sees himself as wearing any of the above then ther is some goodness to be found in such a dream though little...

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Wearing Bracelets

If a person sees himself as wearing two bracelets, he will find himself in straitened circumstances and will face some unpleasant conditions....

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Wearing Torn Garments

If a person wears torn clothes while he is mending them it means his financial condition will improve. Also he is to acquire adequate sustenance.In all conditions, garments bespeak...

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Wife Wearing The Military Clothes Of Her Husband

The interpretation of such a dream is linked with either her husband or one who guards her.The same dream could mean that either she will benefit from the good qualities of her hus...

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Orange (color)

The color orange corresponds to the second chakra and, at times, may be associated with our reproductive system.The second chakra is said to be responsible for our reproductive hea...

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Cream (as In Lotion)

Points to the “character mask” in everyday life. You want to be more beautiful. However, cream also indicates “balsam for the soul.” In a deeper sense, the beauty of the so...

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Cream (food)

See Milk. Heavy food. Taking pleasure in sweets....

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Dress / Clothing

An image of poverty. Symbolizes the role the dreamer plays in the world and how he presents himself—”clothing makes the man.” The type of clothing refers to the social standi...

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Cream (face)

Vision: A woman dreaming about face cream means she wants to be more beautiful, well groomed, and desirable, because in real life she often feels left out....

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Dress, Articles Of

Chain: A chain belt, or similar anicle of dress, denotes union.Embroidery: Love that could grow to something wonderful.Fan: Pride, touched with vanityFeathers: White: a great sense...

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Formal Dress

To see or wear a formal dress in your dream, symbolizes your embrace of your feminine side. You are freely expressing your femininity and using your female intuition to guide you.I...

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Ice Cream Parlour

If you dreamed of being (or working) in an ice cream parlour, this is a good omen that predicts big wins and major successes for you. It can also be a general sign of contentment w...

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Ice Cream Truck

Dreaming of buying a treat from an ice cream truck, is an omen of happiness and success.If you dream of missing the ice cream truck, or chasing it without catching it, you are feel...

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Orange (the Color)

If your dream strongly features the color orange, you have a lively and outgoing nature. You will have a fascinating life with broad horizons and many interests....

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Prom Dress

To see or wear a formal dress in your dream, symbolizes your embrace of your feminine side. You are freely expressing your femininity and using your female intuition to guide you.I...

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Shaving Cream

To see or apply shaving cream in your dream represents the character and personality your portray to others in your waking life. It’s possible that you are trying to change your ...

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Sour Cream

A dream about sour cream foretells setbacks or difficulties created by your own foolish actions....

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Whipped Cream

If you dream of eating whipped cream, you will soon be very lucky.To lovers, this is a happy omen, as they will soon be united....

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Color, Bright

Problems becoming evident or exposed. ...

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Overweight Color Guard

Weight down by protecting the old way of thinking. ...

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Other Color Associations And Trigger Words

Amber: Ancient wisdom, knowledge. Amethyst: Transition to spiritual awareness, higher knowledge, insight. Apple Green: Powers of healing. Apricot: Admiration. Aquamarine: Commu...

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Wing Color

If you are flying with white wings, this dream could represent the expansion of your awareness and the unfolding of your higher self.If your wings are black this could indicate the...

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Bird Color

The colors, as well as the general interpretation for birds, are significant here. For example, black birds represent one’s shadow side and white birds one’s open, expressive a...

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Neon Colors


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Dress / Skirt / Trousers

Many women wear trousers or jeans today, and so a dream that either men or women have featuring a dress or skirt may suggest a desire for both sexes to express their feminine side....

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Color Connections

When remembering the colors in your dreams, it is important to recall if the colors were bright and vivid, or muted and faded, as the strength of the colors may be linked directly ...

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Snake Colors

Snakes of different colors A black or dark colored snake may indicate that there is something ominous going on—or about to happen—in your life, as well as hint at potential p...

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On The Color ;

if green, he will be deceitful; if blue, he will prove affectionate; if pink, his love will not be lasting; if yellow or white, he will quicklv improve marriage....

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Dreaming Wearing White Dress Crying Alongside Of The River

Dream Interpretation: Dreaming wearing white dress crying alongside of the riverPositive Interpretation Dreaming of wearing a white dress often symbolizes purity, innocence, and s...

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Dreaming Of The Color White

Positive InterpretationThe color white in a dream often symbolizes purification, innocence, and freshness. It is a color that represents a blank canvas ready to be painted with new...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation