Washing Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 25 Unique Sources About Washing

washing image


Dream Meanings About The Washing

If you wash yourself in dreams it means you need to “cleanse” certain aspects of your personality, since you harbor feelings of guilt. On the contrary, these images could also mean that matters that are worrying you are beginning to clear up. An important detail: if you are washing clothes or a personal item, it is your emotional and intimate relationships that require cleaning.

If you wash dishes, it indicates spiritual purity that nourishes you.

If you was someone else, it shows your desire for that person to heal. (See Also: WATER)

To wash clothes or rags of white linen is a very promising dram. To wash yourself is also a good omen, as long as it is with clear, clean water. Stained clothing, however, predicts bad luck.

If you take a bath while clothed, it signifies coming deceptions.


If you are washing yourself, or someone or something else in a dream using water, this suggests the cleansing of negative feelings such as despair or self- doubt. Is it time to clean up your act or perhaps get started on a project you have been postponing? Dreams of washing your hair suggest you are thinking of changing your attitude or the way you present yourself to others; if you are washing a vagina or penis, it could mean that you are dealing with the results of a pent-up sexuality, whilst if you are washing your hands, you may be trying to get rid of feelings about something you have done or been involved with.

If you dream of hanging up washing, it suggests that you are allowing change to come into your life, as well as letting other people see your new attitudes.


Getting rid of negative feelings such as despair or self doubt, fears about health—neurotic phobias about one’s own wholeness. Washing hair: changing one’s attitude; alter­ing the way one thinks about something or one’s viewpoint. Washing vagina, penis: clearing negative sexual feelings; deal­ing with the results of pent up sexuality or reproductive drive. Hanging up washing: allowing change to come into one’s life; letting other people see one’s new attitudes. In a mother’s dream: may refer to caring for the family emotionally. Wash­ing hands: getting rid of feelings about something you have done or been involved in. Idioms: all come out in the wash; lost in the wash; it won’t wash; wash dirty linen in public; wash one’s hands of.

See Also: soap; bath.


When some type of washing occurs in a dream, you are cleansing or clearing out something that no longer serves you.

The primary symbolic meaning for any kind of bathing connects to this desire to be clean and available for social interaction with others. This can connect to unconscious feelings of dirtiness that are both literal and metaphorical. There may be ways in which you are feeling unclean and in need of purification. Anything that involves water in a dream is going to connect somehow to issues of emotions. Using water to bathe might point to a need or desire to immerse yourself in the realm of your feelings in order to cleanse yourself of the pain that life sometimes brings.


See Also: Water

1- Dreaming of washing either oneself, or for instance, clothes, suggests getting rid of negative feelings. We may need to change our attitude, either internally or externally. Washing other people touches on our need to care for others.

2- Since water is a symbol for emotion and the unconscious, washing stands for achieving a relationship with our emotional selves and dealing successfully with the results.

3- A spiritual clcansing may be necessary in order to preserve the dreamer’s integrity.


Vision: Washing hands: you are feeling remorse because of something you did. Washing dirt)’ things: others caused problems, because they insisted on something that was wrong. Washing yourself or taking a bath: traits that “stain” your character need to be removed.

See Also: Bathing, Soap, Water.

Depth Psychology: Dreams about washing are a reminder to “wash away” bad habits.

See Also: Laundry.


(Brass polisher, Dishwasher, Washer) Adishwasher or a brass polisher in a dream represent an interior decorator, or someone who beautifies and embellishes people’s properties, or one who attracts people to himself.

A washer in a dream is also interpreted as a righteous man, a gnostic, a preacher, a teacher, or one who polishes people’s hearts with his admonitions.

(Also seeWasher)


1. To dream that one is washing one’s face and/or hands in a washbowl signifies that the dreamer will be consumed with passion for someone close to him/her.

2. To dream that one is washing one’s feet signifies that the dreamer will change his/her line of work and undertake a more fruitful venture.


A symbol for cleansing as in Tub, Shower, Bath, Sauna. In alchemy, being blackened is followed by washing; chaotic situations are followed by cleansing (from guilt feelings). Washing of the hands is a sign of innocence.


Dreams of washing are about healing, detoxing, and releasing negativity, so that you may start again, fresh, cleansed and renewed. Also, this dream may be giving you the message that it is time to clean up your act.

See Also: Cry.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Since water is a symbol for emotion and the unconscious, washing stands for achieving a relationship with our emotional selves and dealing successfully with the results.


A spiritual cleansing may be necessary in order to preserve our integrity, such as before a magical ritual. Such an image will often arise spontaneously as our knowledge increases.


If you dream of washing yourself, it is an indication that you will be thought well of by most members of the opposite sea, and may look forward to a happy married life.


If you dream of washing yourself in a bath or shower, or in a pond, you need time to yourself to relax from a recent period of emotional stress.


To dream that you are washing yourself, signifies that you pride yourself on the numberless liaisons you maintain.

See Also: Wash Bowl or Bathing.


Washing oneself may represent cleaning away the dirt and debris of unhappy experiences or emotions in the dreamer’s life.


To dream of washing oneself denotes good after an illness, a change for the better (Gypsy).


(hands, body, or feet) symbolic of cleansing from sin, Ex. 30:19 21, Ps. 26:6, Jn. 13:8


A dream of difficulties ahead, probably connected with friends or with your home life.


1. Renewal/ Being born again or need to be born again (clothes washing); Joel 2:13


See Also: Room House, accessories.


See Also: Bath, sections(2) and (3)


For a man to dream he washes or bathes himself in baths or wash-houses, signifies riches prosperitv, and health to the sick. But to dream he washes or Lathes himself, contrary to the common custom or use, or in his clothes, is evil, and betokens sickness and great danger. To dream that you wash in fountains, ponds, or running water, and in fair and clear floods, is good, but not that you swim, for that is a sign of danger and sickness : washing is a sure sign of a removal.


lucky numbers: 13-17-18-20-23-28

body: wil suffer through a misjudgment of immoral conduct.

clear water, in: wil enjoy many pleasures in life, with minor setbacks.

dishes: friends wil visit at your home in the midst of an argument.

face, your: a welcome relationship is on the horizon.

feet: anxiety over where you have been.

food: may have to pocket your pride to rid yourself of another’s pol uting your character.

hair or beard: sorrow interrupted by a short-lived euphoria.

hands in cold water: contentment, a purifying stil ness.

hot: others blame you for your success.

linen: feel you are sleeping with the enemy.

machine: are on the road to bettering yourself.

window: a service wil be rendered by an unknown person.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  2. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  3. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  4. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  7. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  8. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  9. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  10. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  11. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  12. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  13. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  14. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  15. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  17. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  18. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  19. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  22. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  23. The Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  24. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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