Wash Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 2 Unique Sources About Wash

sleeping boy


Dream Meanings About The Wash

AH the factors, such as the temperature of the water and the articles (or persons) concerned, must be correlated, but as a general guide, washing by hand suggests that you should refrain from getting involved.

in the personal affairs of others at the present time; washing in a machine indicates an unexpected vacation or change of location.

To dream of washing your hands and/or face predicts a pleasant new friendship in the offing.


Clean up your act; cleansing, purification of emotions.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  2. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]

26 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about wash related.


To dream that you are washing yourself, signifies that you pride yourself on the numberless liaisons you maintain.See Wash Bowl or Bathing. ...

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Washing Machine

1. One has the means to cleanse some part of one’s life, such as guilt.2. Watching a washing machine in ac­tion means one’s life is humdrum. ...

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1. To see a washbowl in a dream denotes that a new in­terest resulting in much joy and contentment will occupy one’s time.2. To see a broken washbowl signifies small pleasure f...

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To see a washboard in your dreams, is indicative of embarrassment.If you see a woman using one, it predicts that you will let women rob you of energy and fortune.A broken one, port...

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See “cleanse”...

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To see a washerwoman in a dream signifies infi­delity and/or a peculiar adventure. ...

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As in Washing, Tub, Shower, Bath, Sauna.A symbol of cleanliness and purity....

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1. Cleansing;2. Servant hood....

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Washer Woman

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Window Washer

1. Bravery.2. Desire to see things clearly.3. One has the ability to clarify a situation and shed some perspective on an issue. ...

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Dish-washing Liquid, Joy

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Basin / Washbowl

interpreted by: woman or helpful young girl....

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Wash Cloth

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1. Restoration ministry;2. Place to hang clothes on; psalm 51:7....

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A to Z Dream Interpretation