Tailor Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 20 Unique Sources About Tailor

tailor image


Dream Meanings About The Tailor

(Couturier, Marriage) A tailor in a dream represents unity, a peacemaker, a scribe, a secretary, or an officiant who conducts the marriage ceremony and witnesses the signing agreement.

A tailor in a dream also represents someone who regrets his wrongdoing, or amends his conduct for the better.

To become a tailor and sew one’s own garments in a dream means struggling to build one’s livelihood. Ifone sees himselfunable to do a good sewingjob in a dream, it means that he is trying to bring opposites together but to no avail. Sewing a robe for a woman in a dream means that he will be afflicted with a major trial.

If one sees himself as a tailor or altering garments in a dream, it means prosperity, setting up a business venture, getting married, having a progeny, or putting things where they belong.

A tailor in a dream also represents piety and a good character.

(See Also: Shoemaker, Alterations)


1- As with other occupations, it is perhaps more important to decide what significance the tailor has to the dreamer before attempting an interpretation. Any professional person develops certain talents and competencies, such as, in this case, the ability to do prccisc work and to ‘fashion’ something new.

To dream of a tailor alerts us to these qualities within ourselves.

2- The role that a character plays in our dream has relevance to how we think of our creativity and talents.

Dreaming of a tailor may also have meaning in terms of word play.

For example we may actually know someone callccl Taylor.

3- Creative Ability.


Vision: If you are the tailor: put more effort into staying in shape and be alert to what others expect from you.

If you are involved with other people, it is time to pay more attention to your appearance. Sewing your own clothes: your love relationship is going well.

Depth Psychology: You are determined to change your opinions, appearance, or your social conduct. This dream frequently means that you are giving too much weight to outward appearances.

See Also: Clothes.


To dream of a tailor, denotes that worries will arise on account of some journey to be made.

To have a misunderstanding with one, shows that you will be disappointed in the outcome of some scheme.

For one to take your measure, denotes that you will have quarrels and disagreements.


To dream of a tailor often denotes quarrels before a journey is made.

If you argue with your tailor then you will have a big disappoint over a plan you made long ago.

For a tailor to take your measure then you may get into some kind of physical altercation with an enemy.


To dream of a tailor foreshadows trouble on an upcoming trip.

To dream that you are being measured by a tailor is an indication that you will soon argue with someone in your waking life.


Dreams of a tailor symbolize your ability to alter a situation to meet your needs; to make the best out of the raw materials you’ve been given.

See Also: Seamstress, Clothes.


See Also: Dress, Needle, Thread.

The traditional meaning is cunning and being a coward. Vanity, as in Jewelry.

Folklore: In the case of a woman, marriage below her state.


1. Traveling, often business related.

2. A positive work envi­ronment.

3. Feelings that a relationship may need “mending” or attention.


Should a tailor crop up in your dream, he might be suggestive of your ability to create a project from scratch or a change to your public image.


Unexpected travel is the omen in a dream of seeing a tailor at work; to dream of being a tailor is a warning to be careful in whom you confide.


A man who trades his religion for the material things of this world, or a man who is indispensable in the worldly affairs of people.


For a man or woman to dream of being measured by a tailor signifies that he or she will be harassed by jealous persons».


To see a tailor in your dream forewarns that trouble and arguments are ahead with someone.


You are going to be very busy with little time to enjoy yourself.

See Also: Meeting.


Designing a new role for yourself; repairing or altering an old one.

See Also: Clothes.


One whose instructive advice and care influences the molding of others


To a girl this dream signifies that she will marry an inferior.


lucky numbers: 02-40-41-42-52-53

alterations being made by a: reassess your eating habits, you’re going overseas.

becoming a: wil receive an offer to change your position.

being a: change of surroundings wil require tailoring your patience.

girl dreaming of a: wil marry a man beneath your standing.

male, a: exercise caution in business ventures.

ordering clothes from a: joy without profit.


1 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about tailor related.


(See Alterations)...

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