Spiritual Dream Interpretation Guide

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Discover the spiritual significance of dreams through symbolic interpretation. Learn how to decode your dreams, understand their divine messages, and apply their meanings to your life with this comprehensive guide.

You were created to have fellowship with God. His plan for mankind from the beginning was that we would walk in an intimate relationship with Him. You were created to hear His voice and experience Him. God longs for intimacy with you. His heart is filled with love towards you. You are His beloved, and He is yours.

Characteristics of the Shepherd and Sheep Relationship

  • Sheep and Shepherds recognize each other's voice and face because they spend so much time together.
  • Shepherds always have the best interest of the sheep in mind.
  • Sheep are extremely helpless and need constant oversight.
  • Shepherds live with the sheep night and day and protect them from predators.
  • Shepherds lead them to water and green pastures.

Developing a Healthy Respect for Dreams & Visions

  • God is a supernatural God who communicates with His people through supernatural means!
  • The Bible refers to angels over 300 times and to "dreams" or "visions" over 200 times.

Jewish Culture

Spiritual dreams were valued as divine encounters with God. Jewish bedtime customs include inviting God to speak through dreams. The Hebrew language makes little distinction between dreams and visions, treating them as supernatural communication with God.

Example: Daniel 7:1 uses the words "dream" and "vision" interchangeably in Daniel’s prophetic experience.

Old Testament Dream Encounters

  • Examples include: Joseph, Daniel, Jacob, Nebuchadnezzar, Solomon, Job.

New Testament Dream & Vision Encounters

  • Examples include: Joseph (Earthly Father of Jesus), Wise Men, Pilate’s wife, Paul, Peter, John.

Clear Teaching of Scripture

Acts 2:17-18 – "In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams."

  • Evidences of the Spirit Being Poured Out: Prophecy, Visions, Dreams.

Are Dreams for Everyone?

Both Christians and unbelievers have received dreams throughout the Bible and history. Examples of unbelievers receiving dreams include King Abimelech (Genesis 20), Pharaoh's butler and baker (Genesis 40:5), and Pilate's wife (Matthew 27:19).

Understanding the Language of Heaven

God often speaks through symbolic language in dreams, similar to how He used parables during His ministry on earth. The symbolism in dreams can be interpreted by studying His Word and asking the Holy Spirit for understanding.

Discerning a God-Given Dream

There are three main sources of dreams:

  • Dreams from God
  • Dreams from the Natural Man (body, chemical, or soul dreams)
  • Dreams from the Demonic Realm

Dreams from God

  • God’s voice in dreams is righteous, loving, and full of mercy.
  • He speaks with humility, authority, and life-giving truth.

Dream Symbols & Their Meanings

God uses symbols in dreams to convey deep truths. Here are some common symbols:

  • Water: Emotions, the unconscious, spiritual cleansing.
  • Fire: Purification, passion, destruction.
  • Mountains: Obstacles, challenges, places of divine encounter.

Common Dreams & Interpretations

  • Flying Dreams: Representing spiritual freedom, rising above difficulties.
  • Teeth Falling Out: Symbolizing insecurity or loss of control.
  • Being Chased: Reflecting anxiety or unresolved issues.

Steps to Dream Interpretation

  1. Reduce the dream to its simplest form.
  2. Break long dreams into scenes and analyze each one.
  3. Determine if the dream is internal (about the dreamer) or external (about events or people).
  4. Journal your dreams to track recurring symbols and themes.

Tips for Remembering Dreams

  • Keep a journal and write down dreams as soon as you wake up.
  • Wake up slowly and reflect on your dreams before getting out of bed.
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember and interpret your dreams.


Sources and Authors

  1. DreamMean by [Back to dream]

A to Z Dream Interpretation