Shopping Center / Mall Dream Interpretation

sleeping boy


A Dream Interpretation About The Shopping Center / Mall

Shopping centers or malls are associated with making choices and in many dreams they serve as the backdrop for meeting friends, or trying to find the right item for yourself or someone else. Typically, these dreams feature friends and sales people; this suggests that such dreams aren’t associated with work but are about your social life.

If you encounter obstacles or get assistance on your dream shopping trip, these may symbolize real-life forces, both internal and external, that play a role in the choices you make in waking life and the satisfaction you experience. Women and teenagers tend to have this kind of dream more often than men or children, and the theme for these dreams tends to be choice and identity, and the ability to stay true to yourself whilst also satisfying the needs of others.



Sources and Authors

  1. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

19 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about shopping, center and mall related.


Searching for something; research details for more clarity...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation