Roller Coaster Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 13 Unique Sources About Roller Coaster

roller-coaster image


Dream Meanings About The Roller Coaster

Universal Landscape: The up-and-down nature of life.

Dreaming Lens: Were you riding the roller coaster or watching it from a distance? Who was on the roller coaster? Was there a feeling of danger or a presence of excitement? If riding it, how did it feel to be on the coaster? Did the ride come to an end?

Personal Focus: When the ups and down of life are dramatic, we often express this by using the analogy of a roller coaster ride. Just as in life, these extremes can be simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. As a ride in an amusement park, it is something that one chooses to experience, knowing that it will contain surprising twists and turns. If one resists the sensations of the journey, it can be terrifying. If one welcomes them, there can be great exhilaration. Which end of that continuum you find yourself on in the dream illuminates your relationship to the ups and downs your life is currently throwing at you.

A roller coaster symbolizes one of life’s biggest challenges: sudden changes in intensity and direction. These rapid shifts constitute the rhythm of life that we have all come to expect, especially when transition is afoot. Dreaming of such a symbol indicates that life is currently (or about to) hurl itself up to the heights, plummet into the depths, or both. Remember that if you find yourself riding the roller coaster of life, you have chosen to benefit from all of the possibilities life has to offer. It is through the challenging ups and downs that we are able to create brilliant manifestations of our heart’s desires.


Dreaming about a roller coaster ride seems to symbolize the emotional ups and downs that a person is experiencing. Although, this ride can be fun, it can also seem out-of-control and even be a frightening experience. As a dream symbols it suggests that the dreamer may need to achieve greater emotional balance.

The sever changes in mood and temperament are draining and unproductive and maybe highlighted by the roller coaster dream.

If the dream is feeling emotionally flat and apathetic, then this dream may be a form of compensation.


Testing yourself by facing fear head-on. Emotional ups and downs.

The thrill from dangerous adventures or liaisons.

The question here is whether or not the danger is worth the excitement.

Anxiety over sexual encounters, or tension created by nonsexual relationships that constantly vacillate between love and hate, passion and passivity.


The roller coaster symbolizes the emotional ups and downs a person is experiencing. It indicates that great emotional ups and downs may be due to negative behaviors or thoughts (either your own or your partners). This dream may be telling you to exercise greater will and self control, and to try to achieve a balance in your life.


(1) A roller-coaster may represent the ups and downs of emotions, between euphoria and misery.

(2) It may also symbolize the sexual act, and therefore express sexual desire. If, however, the experience is unpleasant or frightening, the dream may be expressing sexual anxiety.


Dreams of a roller coaster signifies feelings of being out of control, mood swings, and your attitudes about the ups and downs of the cycles of life.

If you are enjoying the tumultuousness of the ride, then you are handling uncertainty with an adventurous spirit.


Dreams about roller coasters mean that a friend in real life is causing you concern by acting erratically.

To dream of a broken or malfunctioning roller coaster means that you are not handling a certain situation as well as you could.


A roller coaster may indicate that the dreamer is experiencing frequent ups and downs, perhaps caused by erratic behavior on the part of the dreamer or an associate.


1. Turbulent situation is becoming drawn out, ab­surd.

2. Life’s journey seems out of control.

3. Modes of behavior are growing erratic.


Your life is going up and down. Stop and get balanced.


Symbolic of the ups and downs of life


See Also: Transportation metaphors.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation