Surah Al-fatiha

General MeaningSurah Al-Fatiha, also known as \"The Opener,\" is the first chapter of the Qur\'an and holds immense significance in Islam. It is a supplication to God for guidance ...

Surah Al-fatiha

General MeaningHearing or reciting Surah Fatiha in your dream holds deep spiritual significance. Surah Fatiha, the opening Surah of the Quran, is a prayer for guidance, mercy and f...

Surah Al-fatiha

General MeaningDreaming of Surah Fatiha can indicate a spiritual journey in one\'s life. Surah Fatiha is the first chapter of the Quran, also known as \"The Opening\". It forms the...

Surah Al-fatiha

General MeaningDreaming about Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Qur\'an, usually signifies a quest for spiritual and moral guidance. As the Surah Al-Fatiha is often consi...

A Beautiful Hostess Discussed Menu Prices Ranging From $5 To $6 With Me

General MeaningThe dream about a beautiful hostess discussing menu prices ranging from $5 to $6 with you is not simply about food or cuisines, but it can have deeper, more personal...

Running Down A Seemingly Abandoned Passage, Getting Into My Car, And Seeing My Ex-boyfriend Confronted By A Pride Of Lions

General MeaningDreams about running are often tied to the dreamer\'s subconscious feeling of escaping from something in their waking life. They usually reflect the person\'s need t...

Seeing Your Ex-boyfriend With His New Girlfriend

General MeaningDreams about your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend can initially be very unsettling. Generally, seeing your ex in a dream could symbolize your subconscious bringi...

Seeing My Ex-girlfriend And My Daughter In A Dream

General MeaningSeeing your ex-girlfriend in your dreams may indicate various things depending on your current relationship status and your feelings towards her. If you have unresol...

Interpreting Dreams About An Ex-boyfriend

General MeaningDreaming about an ex-boyfriend generally reflects unresolved feelings or issues that you might still have concerning your past relationship. This could be a situatio...

I Dreamed My Wife Was Pregnant

General MeaningThe general meaning of this dream relates to new beginnings and a potential development in your relationship with your wife or perhaps an aspect of your life connect...


General MeaningDreaming about a specific year in the future suggests a desire for change, novelty, or progress in your life. You may be thinking about what the future holds, contem...

Dreams In 2025

General Meaning Dreaming about a specific future year, like 2025, suggests that your subconscious mind is looking forward and trying to prepare for what might happen. This could d...

Dreaming About My Boyfriend

General MeaningA dream about your boyfriend generally relates to feelings, desires, and situations that you and your boyfriend are involved in or have navigated through in the waki...


General MeaningIn the realm of dream interpretation, specific days of the week don\'t hold universal meaning, as it is highly individualized to the dreamer. However, if you are dre...

Obeah Woman

General MeaningThe dream about an Obeah woman, a type of witch doctor or shaman in some Caribbean cultures, might suggest an exploration of the mystical or spiritual creatures in o...

Blue Perfume Bottle Filled With Vapors Held By Ghost Of Mother-in-law

General MeaningThis dream is rich in symbolism and brings forward elements of the subconscious that relate to memory, relationships, and emotions. The blue perfume bottle represent...

The Support Beam Of The House Is Broken

General MeaningDreaming about a broken support beam of a house generally signals a feeling of instability and fear in one\'s life. The house symbolizes the dreamer\'s life or parts...


General MeaningDreaming about ethics reflects one\'s moral stance on personal life situations and social issues. These dreams are often a mirror of our moral compass, values, convi...


General Meaning The dream titled \"Innocence\" generally signifies the dreamer\'s desire or efforts to return to a stage of life that was free from worries, responsibilities, cynic...

Forbidden Fruit

General MeaningThe dream of a forbidden fruit typically symbolizes temptation and desire, often relating to a situation in waking life where one is considering breaking the rules o...

The Apple In Paris

General MeaningThe Apple of Paris dream refers to a fascinating blend of concepts, symbols, and meanings. The apple has a profound and versatile symbolic significance in dreams and...

Interpreting Crying In My Dreams

General MeaningCrying in dreams is a sign of conflicting emotions or an emotional disturbance in the dreamer\'s life. It often represents sadness, grief, or distress. Depending on ...

Staying In A Shelter

General MeaningDreams about being in a shelter generally signify a need for comfort, security, reassurance and protection. Shelters can symbolize a refuge from a turbulent external...

I Was Crucified Like Jesus Christ

General MeaningDreaming about being crucified like Jesus Christ carries profound spiritual, emotional, and psychological implications. Generally, it can symbolize one\'s feelings o...

Dreaming About A Stranger Wanting To Share A Bed With You

General MeaningDreaming about sharing a bed with a stranger could be interpreted in several different ways based on its context. The bed, in dreams, is often symbolic of intimacy, ...


General MeaningDreaming about foxes has different implications that can be reflective of one\'s waking life, personality, and circumstances. As animals, foxes are known for their s...

Floss Stuck In Tooth

General MeaningThe dream about floss stuck in teeth could represent a feeling of being trapped or restrained in some aspect of your waking life. The floss tying your teeth together...

Police Lights

General MeaningThe symbolic meaning of police lights in a dream often relates to conscience, authority, order, and rules. Just like in waking life, police in your dreams represent ...

Little Birds In A Nest

General MeaningSeeing little birds in a nest in your dream is a representation of hope, expectation, new beginnings and growth. Birds, in dream context, usually symbolize freedom, ...

The Meaning Of Selling Snails In A Dream

General MeaningDreaming about selling snails can be a representation of your emotions, current situation and challenges you are currently facing. Snails in dreams broadly symbolize...

Buying Fresh, Big Tomatoes

General MeaningDreams about buying fresh big tomatoes can signify your hunger for life\'s joys and rewards. Fresh tomatoes in dreams often relate to your overall wellbeing, mental ...

Dreaming Of Your Own Son When Youre Not Married?

General MeaningSeeing your own son in a dream when you are not married generally represents the aspect of you nurtures, supports and defends. This could be an expression of your pa...

Ala Eleye Symbol In A Dream

General MeaningIn Nigerian culture, specifically pertaining to the Yoruba people, the Ala Eleye symbol appears frequently. It represents the worshippers of Eleye, the mystical and ...

Seeing Myself In A Deep, Dirty Dumpster

General MeaningSeeing oneself inside a deep, dirty dustbin in a dream can represent a number of things depending on the individual\'s personal experiences and thoughts. However, ge...

What Does It Mean To Eat Rice Given To Me By A Madman?

General MeaningDreams are symbolic representations of our subconscious mind attempting to communicate certain messages. Often, these symbols tie closely to our personal experiences...

Eating Favorite Desserts

General MeaningA dream about eating one\'s favorite desserts generally relates with indulgence, satisfaction, contentment and success. It is a reflection of your need or want to re...

White Dog With Blood

General MeaningA white dog in dreams is often taken to symbolize purity, loyalty, and strong relationships. It projects a sense of faithfulness and unconditional love, evoking the ...

Dreaming About Your Uncle Giving You Us Dollars

General MeaningDreaming about your uncle giving you US dollars is symbolic and carries various plausible interpretations. When it comes to relatives, specifically uncles, this symb...

Dreaming Roundhouse

General MeaningDreams about roundhouses often touch on themes of completeness, circularity, continuity and unity. As roundhouses are traditionally associated with communal or triba...

Seeing Two Police Officers Holding Guns In A Dream

General MeaningDreaming about police officers signifies order, rules, structure, and control. Such dreams often point to aspects of your life that are directed or influenced by soc...


Dreams: In-Depth Analyses and Research

Dream Interpretation: Unveiling The Mind's Hidden Realms

The Perspectives of Freud, Jung, Hall, and Domhoff on Dreams Our website, "Symbols, Signs, and Meanings," delves into the enigmatic messages that the unconscious mind conveys duri...

Understanding Nightmares And Night Terrors

People who experience nightmares may find themselves jolting awake in the middle of the night, often able to recall the terrifying dream that disrupted their sleep. Nightmares are ...

Assumptions About The Psyche

Here are the important assumptions of Jungian theory that will help in applying our Top-Down approach to dream interpretation. Consciousness and Unconsciousness Consciousness r...

Archetypes (archetypal Dream Images)

While the concept of archetypes dates back to Plato, it is most widely recognized today through the work of Carl Jung, the influential Swiss psychotherapist. Unlike his mentor Sigm...

A to Z Dream Interpretation