Orphan Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 18 Unique Sources About Orphan

orphan image


Dream Meanings About The Orphan

We experience our identity and sense of self as almost exclusively connected to the parenting we receive. To have no connection to those parents is to have a disconnected sense of identity. This can be either devastating or liberating, and the sensations of the dream will reveal more detail for you. An orphan in a dream may represent an idea, choice, behavior, or pattern that is not connected to the modeling you received from your parents. When a person loses his or her parents to death, the individual becomes an orphan, and such an image in a dream may relate to that fear or the processing of grief after it has occurred.


1- To dream of an orphan indicates that we may be feeling vulnerable and possibly abandoned and unloved.

If we are looking after an orphan we are attempting to heal that part of us that feels unloved.

If we experience ourselves as having been orphaned it may indicate that we need to be more independent and self-sufficient.

2- We have to come to terms with our ability to grow up and to move away from our parents. When our lives force us into losing them, either by death or other circumstances such as moving away, we may experience the feeling of being orphaned.

3- Spiritual desertion.


(Foundling, Waif) Picking-up an abandoned infant in a dream means picking-up one’s enemy, in conjunction to the story ofMoses and Pharaoh. Picking up an abandoned child in a dream also could mean returning things to the way they should be, or dispelling distress and sorrow. Ifone sees himself planting an apple tree in a dream, it means adopting an orphan, or caring for one.

To find oneself as an orphan in a dream means depression which is caused by injustice.

To be an orphan in a dream also means feeling depressed because of one’s love for a woman, loss of property or money.


Depth Psychology: Dreaming about being an orphan: you feel unloved, rejected, and lonely. You don’t quite know where you belong or whom to trust. You are looking for safety and security.

The rest of the dream is important; you might find a solution.

See Also: Ab, onment, Child, Loneliness, Parents. Outer Office

Vision: Sitting in an outer office: whatever you have planned, have courage and keep on going—don’t second-guess yourself.

Depth Psychology: Providing you haven’t set your goals too high, you will succeed.

See Also: Secretary.


Dreams of an orphan signify that you are feeling alone, lonely, cast out, uprooted, ungrounded, unloved, and maybe even victimized. You are in the midst of transformation, walking through the phase where you feel cast out from your former comfort zone, and you are having to find your own strength. During this challenging time, between the old and the new; don’t give up, keep moving as you do some soul searching that will lead you to the home that is within you.

See Also: Breakdown/Breakthrough Dreams and Latch Key Kid.


The orphan is a symbol of an unwanted, unloved child, one who is needy, misunderstood, and abused by strict, un-nurturing people who exert merciless control and authority.

This symbol may represent childhood memories and fears of being abandoned.

The dreamer may be resisting inner needs to be childlike, or be emotionally cold and withdrawn from others who are close to the dreamer.


To see an orphaned person indicates compassion and the desire to protect them. To see yourself as an orphan indicates isolation and loneliness. It reflects a need for acceptance, affection, and protection.

This dream predicts that you will gain benefit from wealthy friends, but be unlucky in matters of the heart.


Condoling with orphans in a dream, means that the unhappy cares of others will touch your sympathies and cause you to sacrifice much personal enjoyment.

If the orphans be related to you, new duties will come into your life, causing estrangement from friends ant from some person held above mere friendly liking.


Psychological / emotional perspective: We have to come to terms with our ability to grow up and to move away from our parents. When our lives force us into losing them at any age, either through death or other circumstances such as moving away, we may experience the feeling of being orphaned.


You are being warned that your self- centered attitude could lose you a valuable friendship if your dream featured an orphanage, but any other dream concerning orphans predicts a sudden gain in material wealth from a previously unknown source or an unexpected legacy.


From a spiritual perspective the one thing that we all fear is rejection.

To dream of being an orphan highlights this spiritual desertion, a moving away from source into the uncharted waters of being human.


Feeling abandoned or unloved; feeling rejected or misunderstood—or part of self rejected and misunderstood, vulnerability in independence and consciousness.

See Also: aban­doned.


1. Feeling of being alone and unwanted.

2. Fear of being abandoned or ignored.


Symbolic of Christian duty, Deuteronomy 10:18


See “adoption”


See Also: Ab, oned.


lucky numbers: 07-09-21-35-41-44

adopting an: happiness at the implementation of your project.

being an: cry me a river; to be loved you must know how to give love.

destitute, a: your fear of abandonment is overpoweringly destructive.

child becoming an: wil receive a legacy of unhappiness and misfortune.

of an: wil receive profits from a stranger and debts from society.

several, in an orphanage: change of surroundings fil ed with desolation.


6 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about orphan related.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation