sleeping boy


Old Man Giving Me A Rod Indream | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Old Giving Rod Indream

35 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about old, giving, rod and indream related.


Authority and correction...

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See “mouse” and “rat”, for they are different...

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Giving Birth

(See Childbirth)...

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To see a lightning-rod, denotes that threatened destruction to some cherished work will confront you.To see one change into a serpent, foretells enemies will succeed in their schem...

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(Allot, Distribute, Gift, Offer) Giving something in a dream indicates the value or worth of the giver.If one gives his workers or a needy person little money when they merit mor...

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Fishing Rod

Being dependent on somebody, or wanting somebody to depend on you, often with sexual undertones (the happy hooker).To reach for something way down deep (Water). Quiet and contempla...

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Gift / Give / Giving

In a spiritual sense, dreaming of a gift may be pointing us towards our creative talents, of which we may not yet be aware. We need to acknowledge the gifts and talents we have and...

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Divining Rods

To see a divining rod in your dreams, foretells ill luck will dissatisfy you with present surroundings. ...

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Figurative of the powers of the world in competition; see “horse”...

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Distrust; betrayal, dirty dealing...

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Renown ruler, prosperous one...

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Renown ruler, spiritually aware...

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Roger, Rodger

Expeditious, renown counselor and protector...

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Accepting From Or Giving To The Deceased Something

Accepting something from the dead is regarded as good while giving him something is regarded as bad.If a person sees a dead person giving him something of this world it mean he wil...

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Giving People Water To Drink

Drawing water from the well and seeing impurities and filth in such water means the person doing so will pollute his wealth with haraam wealth....

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Giving Someone Black Coins

A secret will be divulged to him....

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Giving The Dead Roti, Bread Or A Ring

It means a son will be born to him and he will die, or if he is wealthy he will lose his wealth.And Allah, The Pure and Sublime knows best....

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Giving Up The Ghost

(Death) In a dream, the return of one’s soul back to its Lord means remitting of a trust back to its rightful owner, the recovery of a sick person from his illness, the release o...

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Iron Rod

Symbolic of judgment, Rev. 19:15...

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Divining / Dowsing Rod

Being grounded, emotional sensibility....

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Giving Up / Getting Out

Fleeing or approaching something, as in Emigration. Not wanting to be part of something anymore or not wanting to be doing something in a particular way. What’s important is what...

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Speech (giving A)

A need for communicating something, getting somebody’s ear, convincing somebody. Usually a sign that you are justified in expecting recognition. Fear of appearing in public or pu...

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Hot Rod

To drive a hot rod is to relive your youth. You have a yearning to “let down your hair’ and run wild for a while. Give in to it; give yourself a break from the everyday monoton...

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(see Divination, Sticks, Trees, Wand)Traditionally an emblem of discipline, being applied to the backsides of ill-behaved children.If you have been acting childish lately, or found...

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If the rudder was damaged or broken, the dream is warning you to avoid travel for the following two or three weeks; featured in any other way it indicates that your present course ...

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Bar / Rod

The male member. Power. Rigidity. What we do with a bar in a dream can indicate how we are expressing our power. Also note “bar” in the sense of blocking the way, or a barrier,...

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Giving And Receiving Flowers

If you dream of sending someone flowers or presenting or receiving flowers or a bouquet, try to identify who the other person in the dream is. It may be someone you admire, love or...

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Giving A Presentation

Public speaking is a common dream scenario and usually indicates a need to get something off your chest. You may be having trouble expressing your needs, at work or in your persona...

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Holding Two Engine Oil In The Dream And Giving It To The Owner

Positive Interpretation:\n\nThe act of holding two cans of engine oil in your dream symbolizes harnessing potential energy or the skills and resources at your disposal waiting to b...

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Giving A Clock As A Gift

General MeaningDreaming about giving a clock as a gift often symbolizes a respect for time and the recognition of its importance. The dream itself represents a call-to-action, sign...

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My Bird Giving Birth

General MeaningA bird in a dream usually represents your goals, aspirations, and ideals. When viewed from a traditional interpretation, birds are commonly related to freedom, insig...

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Dreaming Of Someone Giving Me Sweets

General MeaningDreaming about someone giving you sweets can be seen as the brain\'s symbolic language depicting your emotional state or an event in life. In this scenario, sweets o...

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Seeing A Dead Person Giving You A Gold Ring

General MeaningDreams where you witness a deceased person giving you a gift, particularly a gold ring, may bear important connotations. The deceased person\'s persona may be vital ...

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Cow Giving Birth To Calf

General MeaningThe dream of a cow giving birth is usually associated with fertility and abundance. Cows are often seen as symbols of motherhood and nurturing. They\'re known to be ...

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Dreaming About Your Uncle Giving You Us Dollars

General MeaningDreaming about your uncle giving you US dollars is symbolic and carries various plausible interpretations. When it comes to relatives, specifically uncles, this symb...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation