sleeping boy


45 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about mis related.


To dream that you are enveloped in a mist, denotes uncertain fortunes and domestic unhappiness.If the mist clears away, your troubles will be of short duration.To see others in a m...

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To dream of mistletoe, foretells happiness and great rejoicing.To the young, it omens many pleasant pastimes If seen with unpromising signs, disappointment will displace pleasure o...

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1. One feels the need to end a relationship.2. One feels the need to discard something one has long carried around. ...

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To dream of a miser, foretells you will be unfortunate in finding true happiness owing to selfishness, and love will disappoint you sorely.For a woman to dream that she is befriend...

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1. Willingness to take chances.2. Very determined.3. Feelings of love.4. Religious feelings.5. Helping others out with advice or spiritual leadership. ...

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Revealed to avert and learn from the implication...

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(See Bribe)...

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Any illicit activity, i.E. “Lady luck” in gambling; alcohol or drugs to an addict, wealth to the greedy, etc....

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A means of spiritual attack, i.E. Verbal, financial, physical, etc....

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A warning...

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See “lost”...

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Revealed to prevent or to correct...

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A place of refuge and shelter, i.E.To help the desolate, whether at home or at a formal mission...

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Miseries and adversities in a dream mean poverty, illness, divisiveness, or enmity....

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Amputations / Missing Limbs

This is a dream about diminished capacity or ability. Our limbs are what give us mobility and the dexterity with which to create, both of which are impacted in some way when we los...

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Divinely inspired gift...

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See “melissa”...

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The cancellation or failure of that which was intended to become a new beginning; see “baby”...

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Recognizing the unhappiness of a situation is meant to bring a change for the better...

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Feeling out of control and powerless when unable to meet one’s intended objective...

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Revealed in order that one might help the misfit to fit; see “rejected”...

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A warning...

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A warning...

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Warning one not to make a statement that can be misinterpreted...

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Revealed in order that confidence be restored...

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Revealed in order to bring about an understanding and avert confusion...

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1. One is working too hard (from broadway song “old man river”).2. Trouble (civil rights upheaval). ...

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Mish’ar Ai-haram

(See Muedalifa)...

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(Betrayal; Deception, Milk, Swindle, Trickery, War) If one sees that someone is misleading him or tricking him in a dream, it means that God Almighty will grant him victory over...

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Symbolic of spiritual warfare or end-times events ...

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Abortion / Miscarriage

Emotions are facing reality. Also, you want to discard inner conflicts, as in Sewage / Waste. Fear of accidental pregnancy. Physical changes. Separation from a loved one or a favor...

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Miser / Tightwad

Might be a suggestion to be more generous, open, and flexible. Or can you never be satisfied because your needs are not met.7 See Vulture.Folklore: Bad omen for lovers.The way you ...

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Mist / Haze

Lack of clarity, as in Darkness, only less severe. Other than that, see Steam and Fog.Astrology: Symbol of Neptune....

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Mistake, Error

Vision: Making a mistake—or recognizing that you have made a mistake: don’t let others bamboozle you.Depth Psychology: Dreaming about a mistake reveals a fear of being disapp...

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Numbers, Symbols, Miscellaneous

$10(in pocket): God-Mind always available • 20: Anger • 60: End of series of cycles • 50’s: Centering yourself.• 8: Angelic frequency.• 911: Emergency situation; call f...

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Missile Launcher

(Ballista, Battering ram, Mangonel) Seeing a mangonel or a missile launcher for hurling heavy stones in a dream means calumny, slander and a false accusation of fornication, untru...

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Midas / Miser

Midas turned everything he touched into gold, including, tragically, his beloved daughter. The archetype is associated with entrepreneurial or creative ability, and appears in drea...

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Abortion / Miscarriage / Still Birth

Dreams about abortion, miscarriages and still birth are likely to leave you feeling traumatized on waking, whether you are pregnant or not. And if you were expecting a baby such a ...

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Miscellaneous Groups

Being part of a church congregation in your dream may be in some way connected to your moral attitude. Your mood, attitude and reaction to the service will be important when interp...

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Miser / Beggar

If the character of a miser appears in your dream, ask yourself if it refers to you. The dream image may not necessarily be referring to your attitude towards money; it may be tell...

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Fog / Mist

Fog and mist are dreamland symbols of confusion, or of an inability to make progress and see the way ahead. They also suggest lack of clarity and that emotions are clouding your ju...

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Missing Person

Positive InterpretationIn a positive light, dreaming about a missing person can indicate an inner journey. You have begun to search for an aspect of yourself that has been ignored ...

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Missing Something, Not On Schedule

General MeaningDreaming about missing something or not being on time signifies a sense of anxiety or fear of not meeting expectations in your daily life. This sense of urgency or t...

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I Made A Cash Payment For Tiger Balm And Accepted Excess Change From An Elderly Disabled Man Despite My Misgivings

General MeaningThe dream indicates a sense of responsibility, spontaneity, and acceptance amidst uncertainty. The buying of a medicinal item like Tiger Balm demonstrates a tendency...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation