Mermaid Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 12 Unique Sources About Mermaid

mermaid image


Dream Meanings About The Mermaid

A magical water spirit who has much in common with the spirits of the forest, but who lures young men into the depths, where they drown.

The dreamer will recognize in the mermaid his desire for and fear of the feminine. Also addressed is a man s desire to identify with femininity and his fear of doing so.

The water spirit mermaid is enticing men to follow her into her kingdom, where, “under a glittering surface, are hidden inexplorable depths,” according to C. G. Jung, who saw the realm of the water spirits as a symbol of the unconscious. So the mermaid is a symbol of life and inner maturity, a spirit who “walks” along boundaries. Young men dream about mermaids when they reach manhood; young girls, when they become women. In another sense, the mermaid is without a soul and therefore is after the soul of humans. According to Jung, the water spirit is at the instinctual stage, the pre-stage of the feminine being, or anima.

Also, the mermaid is a being in need of liberation: since she lives in water, she is drowning in her emotions—and she has no sexual organs.

Male water spirits seldom appear in dreams.

(They are usually cruel, ugly, old, and comparable to goblins.)


(1) For a woman, it might express doubts about her femininity, or fears of (sexual) frigidity. In such a case, it may be that your partner is not right for you.

(2) In a man’s dream it might represent an idealized image of women (which may inhibit relations with actual women). Are you frightened of sex?

(3) For a man, it might represent the siren, which might actually symbolize the anima as the part of the psyche that will take you - safely - into the depths of your unconscious, and thereby heighten your self- knowledge.

(4) It may also, for a man, express fears of being ‘drowned’ by the feminine or by the unconscious.

See Also: Seduction, Introduction, page49.


The mermaid is a mythological creature with the torso of a woman and the lower half of a fish. In this way, she is an archetypal figure that embodies the feminine principle coupled with the capacity to connect to the unconscious mind and the emotional realms. In modern media, the mermaid has been transformed into something lovely and beguiling; however, her origins are dark and are associated with peril, death, and seduction.

A dream that features a mermaid should be considered aspirational, and you must keep in mind all of her qualities, light and dark, when formulating an interpretation. In any case, such a dream is connecting you to the spiritual side of your nature.


This beautiful hybrid from myth and legend, represents feminine strength and is associated with the emotions. To see one in your dreams suggests you’re feeling emotional and could be oversensitive about some area of your life. Love may be on the cards, and passionate feelings come out of the blue to consume you. To dream you are a mermaid is a warning not to get too caught up in the romance of it all. Take care of your heart and keep a level head.


Vision: Men who dream about mermaids need to be carefuJ: they are being seduced by a woman they know and things could get dangerous.

Depth Psychology: The mermaid is a symbol of female sensuality that has yet to be lived, particularly in women’s dreams. It might, however, also indicate a strong but unconscious love you feel for someone, particularly in men’s dreams.


To see a mermaid in your dream represents doubts about your femininity.

If you were a mermaid in your dream, this represents the current state of your love relationship(s).

If the dream was happy and turned out well, it is a good forecast for your love life. But if the dream was strange or unhappy, it means your current love relationship or crush is not doing well.


A mermaid in your dream is a symbol of your current love or personal affairs, and its meaning depends on the nature of the action and the general atmosphere of the dream.

If those elements were pleasant, you can expect things to go well; but if they were unpleasant or generated a feeling of confusion or dissatisfaction, the dream portends a disappointment


Dreams of a mermaid symbolize your divine feminine essence; the aspect of you that is an aficionado of the deep end of your emotions and unconscious. This dream may be telling you to embrace your emotions and/or to dive into the uncertain waters of a romantic relationship .


An unlucky dream, particularly for those in whose lives the ocean plays am important part— seamen, fishermen, etc.


You will have great expectations followed by big disappointments.


Spiritual and emotional temptation.


(See Also: Fairies— Undines)


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