sleeping boy


Keraneci Ne Demek | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Keraneci Ne Demek

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about keraneci, ne and demek related.


For a woman to dream of receiving a necklace, omens for her a loving husband and a beautiful home.To lose a necklace, she will early feel the heavy hand of bereavement. ...

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To dream that you see your own neck, foretells that vexatious family relations will interfere with your business.To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness wi...

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To use a needle in your dream, is a warning of approaching affliction, in which you will suffer keenly the loss of sympathy, which is rightfully yours.To dream of threading a needl...

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To dream of seeing birds’ nests, denotes that you will be interested in an enterprise which will be prosperous.For a young woman, this dream foretells change of abode.To see an e...

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To dream of newspapers, denotes that frauds will be detected in your dealings, and your reputation will likewise be affected.To print a newspaper, you will have opportunities of ma...

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A warning to avert the entrapment...

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To see your neighbors in your dreams, denotes many profitable hours will be lost in useless strife and gossip.If they appear sad, or angry, it foretells dissensions and quarrels. ...

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To dream of your nephew, denotes you are soon to come into a pleasing competency, if he is handsome and well looking; otherwise, there will be disappointment and discomfort for you...

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If in your dreams you walk among nettles without being stung, you will be prosperous.To be stung by them, you will be discontented with yourself and make others unhappy.For a young...

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Bird’s Nest

To see an empty bird’s nest, denotes gloom and a dull outlook for business. With eggs in the nest, good results will follow all engagements.If young ones are in the nest, it deno...

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To hear good news in a dream, denotes that you will be fortunate in affairs, and have harmonious companions; but if the news be bad, contrary conditions will exist. ...

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Spiritual fruit of favor and blessings; see “flowers”...

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1. Spirituality, vision and mysticism (to dream of the planet).2. A need for greater compassion and understanding— especially socially, sometimes regarding the inner self.3. A de...

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To dream that you are nearsighted, signifies embarrassing failure and unexpected visits from unwelcome persons.For a young woman, this dream foretells unexpected rivalry.To dream t...

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To dream of seeing a negro standing on your green lawn, is a sign that while your immediate future seems filled with prosperity and sweetest joys, there will creep into it unavoida...

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Research the color and fabric; see “yoke”...

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A dream of disputes and quarrels (Gypsy). “Needles and pins! Needles and pins! When a man marries”—etc....

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This is a classic ex- ample of contrary omen; the worse the news in your dream the better will be the news you get, and vice versa....

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Revealing what caused the anxiety enables one to pursue peace...

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Net / Network

1- A net in dreams usually indicates that we are feeling trapped and entangled in a scheme or situation. In a woman’s dream she will be aware of her own seductive power, whereas ...

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To dream of Needlework is a sign of treachery on the part of someone whom you trust....

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To dream of a fish-net, portends numerous small pleasures and gains.A torn one, represents vexatious disappointments. ...

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To dream of ensnaring anything with a net, denotes that you will be unscrupulous in your dealings and deportment with others.To dream of an old or torn net, denotes that your prope...

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A state of spiritually disciplined order...

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The nearer something is to you in a dream, the closer it is to becoming conscious in a direct way rather than as a symbol.See positions. ...

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One’s relationship with other people, the quali­ties we see in our neighbour. ...

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Feeling stung by remarks; irritation, feeling nettled; sickness in the body; a difficult situation you may try to avoid, as in grasping the nettle’ or stung into action’. ...

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Photographic negatives, whether of glass or film > are an indication that you will escape an accident or sickness....

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Unassimilated personality traits....

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1. A return to innocence, purity.2. A new idea or project is generated.3. A need for nourishment, oxygen, usually intel­lectual (to hear a newborn cry). ...

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Reading a newspaper in a dream is good luck if the news is very exciting or distressing....

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See Fruit....

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To dream of a necromancer and his arts, denotes that you are threatened with strange acquaintances who will influence you for evil.See Hypnotist....

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Newspaper Reporter

If in your dreams you unwillingly see them, you will be annoyed with small talk, and perhaps quarrels of a low character.If you are a newspaper reporter in your dreams, there will ...

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Anorectic Nervosa

Revealing the problem in order to help one whose cry for help is not audible...

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Esteemed leader, honored champion...

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Spiritually aware, discerning one...

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Revealed in order to fill the need...

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Revealed in order to accentuate the positive...

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Revealed to stop the neglect and start the nurturing...

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Literal negotiations may be beneficial...

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Established in wisdom and peace, from the home of the elder tree...

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See “helen”...

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Honored champion, brave one...

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Netti, Nettie

God’s gift of grace, see “janet”...

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A group united in purpose...

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See “castrate”...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation