Junk Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 13 Unique Sources About Junk

junk image


Dream Meanings About The Junk

Material aspects: When ‘mental’ junk accumulates we are not able to think clearly and dreams have the facility of enabling us to create order so that we can sort out our lives. Being able to categorize what seems to be rubbish in dreams means we can plan or decide on a course of action. You might like to consult the entries for baggage, boat / ship and rubbish.


Psychological / emotional perspective: From an emotional perspective we all tend to accumulate a great deal of rubbish which periodically needs sorting and disposing of.

A cupboard or room full of junk would suggest we need to take action to clear ourselves of hang-ups and difficulties.


Discarded rubbish symbolizes the suppressed or repressed contents of the unconscious. You should give it a thorough turning-over. You will find extremely valuable items - aspects of yourself - that you need to rehabilitate. (On repression / suppression)


Metal waste symbolizes the failure of the material projects; therefore, to dream that you walk through a junkyard denotes conformity because you do not dare to carry out plans that would allow you to progress.


A dream of anything which struck you as junk, whether in a shop or elsewhere, predicts that you will soon be faced with a perplexing choice.

Don’t tiy to make it alone; get a friendly opinion.


1. Feelings of worthlessness, poor self-esteem.

2. A need or desire to do away with unwanted things, usually patterns of behavior, sometimes repressed feelings.


Junk symbolizes things that need to be let go of and discarded. In a dream, junk can also indicate rejected parts of the self that need to be reappropriated.


Spiritually junk represents outmoded or unwanted concepts and ideas.

A chinese junk has the same significance as the lunar barque or boat.


To see junk in your dream, symbolizes your need to get rid of old ways of thinking and old habits.


Symbolic of reading or watching worthless material, Prov. 15:14


Old things and ideas no longer necessary to you.


See Also: Garbage, Processing Dreams.




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