Hell Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 26 Unique Sources About Hell

hell image


Dream Meanings About The Hell

Dreams of being tormented in hell can reveal either your current state of mind or your fears for the future. Is life particularly hellish at present? Are you wracked with guilt about something you have done or are thinking of doing?

Hell in dreams is also an image of negative illusions or self-created misery perhaps arising out of pain from past traumas or a situation that made you deeply unhappy. Hell therefore represents the projection of your inner state onto the world; if you feel miserable, the world will seem miserable too. In other words you create your own heaven or hell.

Images of hell in dreams also indicate that you may be punishing yourself in some way but they do offer some hope, as once you have passed through this period of inner turmoil you can emerge a new and better person. It is important to bear in mind that dreams about hell relate to your waking life on earth and are not predictive of the afterlife; for people who believe in an afterlife, however, such dreams can be extremely frightening. On the psychological plane, hell is also a symbol of the unconscious and such a dream may suggest that you are confronting the darker side of your personality.


The idea of hell has a mythical and constant value in human culture.

It is conceived, in the first place, as a form of “sublife” (hidden life of the dead in the bosom of the earth). Then, it is situated as a place of torment. With this panorama, it is evident that—simply by analogy—it can be associated with all negative aspects of existence. Representations of hell appear in all religions, from that of ancient Egypt to Christianity. Fire, instruments of torture, and demons are its iconographic expressions. Don’t forget that hell symbolizes the subterranean world of the unconscious, where we have condemned the impulses we don’t want to admit for moral or cultural reasons, or ignorance. When dreaming of hell you may feel fear or guilt, which indicates that you are repressing one of your acts or thoughts. The message of this type of dream is that you should stop being ashamed and cleanse your soul of negativity.

Ancient dream dictionaries say that this dream comes from inner conflicts. However, they add that it also predicts gains in business.


Symbol: Hell is the symbol of darkness and the devils domain.

Vision: Dreaming of hell reflects great distress. You have lost all hope and don’t know what to do or where your life is going. This painful situation is going to continue a while longer until—through a purification—you can recognize the right path.

If someone else is in hell: great changes are ahead. Sec Demon. Devil.

Depth Psychology: Hell represents fear, anxieties, guilt feelings, and other negative energies, but it is also a place of “purification,” and promises serenity in the end. Don’t deny emotional pain but accept it and live through it—things will change. What is this “hell on earth” doing to you? What kind of purgatory are you going through? Is hate devouring your happiness?


When most people think of hell, they are relating to a Christian idea of an afterlife where people go when they do not subscribe to certain dogmas relating to behavior.

The New Thought community thinks of hell as the experience of life on Earth when lived in the illusion of separation from the sense of Divine Source. No matter what your personal view of hell is, the principle that underlies it is separation and the pain that comes when you feel disconnected from love. This can manifest at any moment in life when you feel cut off from some source of warmth, affection, or even validation. At such moments, a dream of hell can be a powerful expression of this alienated state. Ask yourself where you feel separate from your ability to feel safe and loved.


(See Also: Abyss)

(1) Images of hell may be seen as depicting the fearsomeness of the unconscious. The fires of hell are those forces of the unconscious that seem to be threatening you. Hell as a place of imprisonment is the unconscious as the receptacle for repressed instincts and emotions (for repression). Achievement of personal maturity and wholeness requires facing up to those repressed contents of the unconscious and taming them - that is, transforming their negative energy into a positive one.

See Also: Fire.

(2) Hell as the opposite of heaven may symbolize the mental chaos or even the total loss of self that is always a lurking possibility, whereas heaven represents the achievement of personal wholeness and harmony.


Archetypal symbol for sin, pangs of conscience, and guilt feelings that influence humans to this day. However, today the image of hell is connected to separation from self, a confrontation with the shadow or unacceptable living conditions. Fundamental changes in situations—particularly improvement of financial situations—are predicted. And there is a warning not to sell your soul.

The positive aspect of the image of hell is connected to an image of fire inside the earth; this fire is the light that is born out of darkness.

If the shadow is experienced in all its power and is endured, it turns to light and to truly mature experiences that can be integrated into your life, leading to a feeling of wholeness.


A dream that one sees hell as it ¡3 described, and that he hears the damned souls groan and complain through the extremity of their torments, is an advertisement that God sends to the dreamer to the end that he may throw himself upon God’s mercy.

If anyone dreams he sees the damned plunged in the fire and flames of hell, and that they suffer great torture, it signifies sadness, repentance, and a melancholic distemper.

To dream of descending into hell, and returning thence.

To those that are great and rich signifies misfortune; but it is a good sign to the poor and weak.


Dreams of Hell are venting dreams of your greatest fears and most disassociated shadow figures.

A terrifying dream such as this is a golden opportunity for you to embrace your shadow, and become, as in the story of the Goddess Persephone, a fully integrated being who is a force to be reckoned with. When you take your fears and face and embrace them, they you can erase them, and replace them with energy that supports you.

See Also: Goddess Persephone, Death, Ghost, Devil, Venting Dreams.


If threatening: emotions, anxieties which one is fearful of; one’s self created misery, perhaps arising out of such things as anger or resentment we cling to, or a sense of being different or unwanted; feelings which burn in us. Sometimes people reverse the roles of heaven and hell. Hell becomes attractive, full of excitement, heaven an insipid place.

See Also: devil under archetypes; mention of heaven and hell in dream as spiritual guide.


(See Also: Evil, Fire. Monsters)

An alternative type of cage or judgment dream.

Reexamining or finally recognizing faults and failures, to the point of feeling guilty.

Negativity or bitterness growing within that can destroy your sense of harmony or wholeness. You need to get these fires under control.

A situation or relationship that you regard as hellish to endure.


If you dream of being in hell, you will fall into temptations, which will almost wreck you financially and morally.

To see your friends in hell, denotes distress and burdensome cares. You will hear of the misfortune of some friend.

To dream of crying in hell, denotes the powerlessness of friends to extricate you from the snares of enemies.


A dream featuring the classic concept of hell is a forecast of an increase in income and/or material wealth but a decrease in social popularity; to dream of returning from hell indicates that you will face a terrific temptation to do something contrary to your principles.


Hell symbolizes a place of suffering and torment. Someone who dreams of hell may be suffering from a seemingly inescapable situation caused by having given away his or her emotional power to someone else.


Difficulties one is going through; images in hellish environment suggests nature of problems. Fears to be faced and moved beyond. You create your own heaven or hell in the now of living.

See Also: Fire.


A dream of the conventional hell, with fire and brimstone, devils with pitchforks, and other traditional paraphernalia, is a forerunner of an amusing experience.


There are many interpretations concerning this omen in a dream, but personally we consider it a sign of disturbed health and not a true dream at all.


There will be bodily suffering and also mental agony. Great suffering due to enemies and death of relatives, etc.


1. Change of circumstance.

2. Seemingly inescapable situation.

3. Repressed feelings of guilt, punishment.


Dreaming about hell suggests that someone has too much control over your emotions in real life.


(arb., Jahannam.

See Also: Hell-fire, Malik, Mental hospital)


A dream denoting mental agony or bodily pain (Gypsy).


See Also: spiritual imagery in the introduction


Eternal punishment, Matt. 10:28


See Also: Religious Imagery


A literal warning


lucky numbers: 17-20-22-39-41-44

being in: the pain wil continue until you choose the right path.

cavorting with Hades in: worst kind of suffering and torment in the future.

dealing: once emotional power is relinquished there is no escape.

enjoying weird pleasures in: sins against the Universal Wil must be redeemed.

hearing the people in, groaning: your purification process has begun.

of: succumbing to temptation has brought you a complete description of life.

returning from: hate decayed your hope and created your own hel .

running away from: denied pain spreads like gangrene.


Sources and Authors

  1. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  2. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  3. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  4. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  5. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  6. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  7. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  8. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  9. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  10. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  11. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  12. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  14. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  15. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  16. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  17. Indian Interpretation of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  18. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  19. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  20. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  21. The Fabric of Dream by [Back to dream]
  22. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  23. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  24. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  26. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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