Gift Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 20 Unique Sources About Gift

gift image


Dream Meanings About The Gift

Vision: Receiving a gift: be prepared to face some losses. Open your heart to others. Giving a gift: you are prone to hasty actions and decisions. Also, someone will surprise you with a gift.

Depth Psychology: Dreaming about giving a gift or giving something away is a reminder to be more generous with your affection toward others. Or did you “give yourself away”? Maybe you have become so involved in a particular matter that you neglected your own interests? You are either an idealist or have too many illusions. You will know which of the above fits you! Sometimes a gift refers to your need for recognition and praise; or it is simply a sign of a positive state of mind. Who is giving the gift? To whom are you giving a gift? Did you give yourself a gift?


Dreams of a gift symbolize an insight, idea, or pregnancy.

If you dream that you are giving a gift, then this signifies that you are acknowledging, showing love and appreciation toward someone. And because everyone in your dream is you, you are acknowledging yourself.

If you dream that you are the one receiving a gift, then this is about a desire to be recognized, acknowledged, loved and appreciated by others. This dream could also be a message for you to realize that your presence is the greatest gift you can give those you love.

See Also: Wish Fulfillment Dreams.


Giving and receive gifts is usually a pleasant occasion and both parties benefit from the exchange. Dreaming about gift giving may be a reflection on positive exchanges that are occurring in your daily life. Some say that to give and to receive is the same things. Keep this in mind and also remember that the most valuable gifts may be emotional and spiritual in nature and that your dream may be attempting to make you aware of such gifts. Consider all of the details in the dream and make attempts to connect them to internal and personal realities or daily events. 


See Also: Present

1- To receive a gift within a dream is to recognise our talents and abilities. Depending on the circumstances, we are acknowledging what we receive from others.

2- Each of us has a store of unconscious knowledge which from time to time becomes available to us and may appear in dreams as gifts.

3- In a spiritual sense, dreaming of a gift may be pointing us towards our creative talents, of which we may not vet be aware.


To dream that you receive gifts from any one, denotes that you will not be behind in your payments, and be unusually fortunate in speculations or love matters.

To send a gift, signifies displeasure will be shown you, and ill luck will surround your efforts.

For a young woman to dream that her lover sends her rich and beautiful gifts, denotes that she will make a wealthy and congenial marriage.


If you dream of giving a gift, you are generous towards others. This dream can also mean you are trying to find a way to express some feeling carefully, so you don’t hurt or upset someone.

If you receive a gift in your dream, you will have tremendous good luck in fortune and love. Also see “Wrapping Gifts”.


Intuition, unconscious knowledge; what is received in a relationship, such as support, sense of worth, acceptance. Giving gift: giving of self; hoping receiver accepts or likes one. Receiving unwanted gift: difficulties in accepting someone, or something from within; pregnancy.

See Also: giving.


Receiving a gift in a dream is a sign of happiness, joy, love and friendship.

A gift in a dream also means reconciliation between adversaries, promoting unity, or it could meanbetrothal ofone’s daughter to a good man.

(Also seeDonation, Endowment)


If you are giving presents, your subconscious may be trying to tell you that your current difficulties will pass with positive outcomes.

If you are receiving them it is another good sign that suggest that you are feeling lucky these days.


Receiving a gift can mean either a lucky break or a betrayal - a warning of “Greeks bearing gifts” - depending on the circumstances and/or other symbols in the dream.

Giving a gift, however, is always a symbol of happy times ahead.


A “beware the Greeks bearing gifts”  message is contained in a dream of receiving or being oifered a gift; but to give or offer a gift has a similar meaning to “generosity” and predicts happy news.


A gift received from a man means the possibility of danger; received from a woman, it is a sign of spite.

If you give the gift, you will be relieving yourself of problems and worries.


1. Giving something to others is giving something of oneself.

2. Trying to express a feeling.

3. Receiving a gift shows that peo­ple around one admire one.


If you dream that you receive a gift, check your finances for any discrepancy.

If you send a gift to someone, you need or seek attention or flattery.


A spiritual gift is ability to help others; a literal gift shows favor; for intent of purpose; research accordingly


To dream of making a gift to a friend or an institution is the forerunner of a profitable business dcaL.


Gifts represent rewards for a job well done or for inner spiritual blessing (gifts of the spirit).


A dream of contrary—beware of the person from whom you receive a gift under such circumstances.


Form of initiation; pat on the back for a job well done.


lucky numbers: 12-20-23-27-42-46

Christmas, receiving a: take as great a pleasure in giving as you do in receiving.

relatives: take a long hard look at your many admirers.

giving: are an idealist with many delusions; are prone to hasty actions that backfire.

relatives, to: one you disliked wil prove to be a loyal friend.

receiving a: in your involvement in work you have neglected yourself.

confections, of: take your friend to dinner.

from a daughter: wil receive a marriage proposal you are overjoyed to accept.

important person, an: need recognition and praise.

loved one: be generous with affection and aware of the ingratitude of others.

relatives: wil soon find a favorable position within the family fold.

son: tribulations through his opposition to the low amount.

woman: depression and emotional upheaval wil not be assuaged.

several: beware of person from whom you receive them.


9 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about gift related.


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