Foreign Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 7 Unique Sources About Foreign

foreign image


Dream Meanings About The Foreign

Dreaming of a foreign country reflects changes in your work or social life.

If the dream is unpleasant and you feel anxious it means you are not prepared for these changes. If, on the contrary, you feel excited to discover something new, the dream reflects your pleasure of tackling various opportunities other than the ones you already have. Related to travel and projects, places abroad also symbolize the different choices you have in life.

If the dream is about a foreign person it may represent an aspect of you that has not been integrated into your identify. Perhaps, you are neglecting important feelings or hidden talents.

If you dream of a foreign country, the dream shows that with patience, your

wishes will come true. On the other hand, an affable foreigner portends good luck.


Dreams of anyone or anything foreign denote that you are expanding your horizons. When you remove yourself from your day-To-day life, and explore new and foreign terrain, you are able to bring back a wealth of information and perspective that enriches and benefits your life. This dream also denotes that you may be feeling out of your element, away from your tribe; you are in the midst of a transition, learning and discovering aspects of yourself you never knew existed. As you evolve, you may be feeling unfamiliar in your own skin, going through an identity crisis; you are not who you used to be and you are not yet who you are becoming. Keep in mind that wherever you go, home resides within you.

See Also: Alien, Travel.


To dream of a foreign place or country indicates that the realization of your heart’s desire is closer than you imagine; persevere and have patience.

A foreigner in your dream, whatever the nationality, is an auspicious omen if he or she was friendly.


New part of self not yet familiar to you, coming into being.

If in a foreign country and dressed as the people there, may represent a past life in which lessons you were learning then are coming up again in your present experiences.


Alien culture; the enemy only if from an enemy nation


See Also: Alien


9 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about foreign related.

Foreign Country

Your happiness lies at home. ...

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Foreign Countries

Different attitude; different mental or emotional ‘climate’ than one’s norm. One’s personal associa­tions or ideas about any particular country need to be ex­plored. Use ...

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1. Misunderstanding, usually due to inability or awk­wardness in communication.2. Retrieving something lost.3. Aspect of personality never seen before. ...

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Foreign Language

The speech of Other; also the unknown part of ourselves. Something is not understood, or you are unwilling to understand. Your task lies in the translation and therefore the unders...

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Xenophobia (fear Of Strangers Or Foreigners)

1. Reverse: happiness, contentment.2. Feeling as if a friend has been lost.3. Domestic difficulties. ...

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Language, Foreign Or Strange

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Foreign Countries / Abroad

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If the foreigner was friendly and jovial, and if you liked him or her, this is an omen of good times ahead no matter what the foreigner’s nationality was.If he was unfriendly and...

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Foreigner / Foreign Languages

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A to Z Dream Interpretation