sleeping boy


Extending A Sword | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Extending

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about extending related.


A water melon in a dream represents a sick person with many problems including suppression of urine.A melon in a dream also means that one will be struck with an adversity for whic...

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(Armistice, Cease fire, Cessation) Negotiating a truce, or witnessing one between two armies in a dream means cessation of fear, relaxing, recovering of a sick person from his ill...

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of the different colours in jewels, some of them may have slightly different meanings Amethyst: healing; in­fluence of dreams. Diamond: human greed; hardness of na­ture; what one...

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Dreaming Together

Example:41 dreamt my sister was attacking me with a pair of scissors. She backed me against a wall and stabbed me. During the day after the dream my sister phoned me at work and sa...

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One of Carl Jung s most interesting areas of thought is that of individuation. In a nutshell the word refers to the processes involved in becoming a self-aware human being.The area...

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Reaching Out

The desire for something; attempt to grasp, control or manipulate something or someone, depending on dream; extending or giving oneself. Being reached towards: feeling of being ask...

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Light, extending kindness and help. As in Spark, here it can also mean spark of the soul....

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The garage is where you store your vehicle. It also represents the opening to the world. It may represent your psychic Geld, ©r what is referred to as your aura, extending out. In...

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Fishing Pole

Dreams of a fishing pole represents desire, and that you are extending yourself, putting your desires “out there”, hoping for a bite.A fishing pole is also a symbol of the peni...

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If one could produce a graphic image of the whole of human nature, many different forms might be integrated within an overall shape, perhaps a circle or square. Also, if it were po...

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Codes of behaviour, belief systems, attitudes—often un­conscious—you live within, or are protected by; the bound­aries of behaviour or thought you keep within, are fearful of...

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(see Eating, Fruit, Juice, Trees)Because of its high vitamin content, this symbolizes good health or things that are good for you.An emblem of the triune nature of humankind (body-...

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Dreams of walking the plank represents the fear of death, and/or that you are hovering just over the deep end of your unconscious, contemplating taking a plunge into the unknown. T...

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To see a pretzel in your dream, symbolizes faith, spirituality and life’s sweet rewards. You are embracing life and extending yourself to help others. Alternatively, it may indic...

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A dream of con- trary.If your dream fea- tured getting or extending it, the prediction is that any success you achieve will be purely commercial; if, on the other hand, your dream ...

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A kite flies effectively only when the person flying it is well grounded. This symbol of soaring to new heights while remaining on the ground represents the value of extending your...

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Plane Crash

Dreams of plane crashes are typically provoked by worries about over- extending yourself, such as a project or business collapsing, or not being able to pay bills. It is likely tha...

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Relations Hips

(see Bride, Engagement, Groom, Marriage, Parents)These dreams frequently relate to real-life scenarios in which the relationships in the dream mirror those from waking hours. If, h...

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(see also Mandalas)Four is an ancient symbol of completeness; wholeness. (The four comers of the earth, the four cardinal points, the four winds all, in primitive traditions, repre...

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Dream Meaning And Vision For The Future

When we close our eyes at night and drift into slumber, our inner world awakens. In the depths of our minds, a bustling symphony of thoughts and emotions unfolds, and our bodies be...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation