sleeping boy


Boyfriend Engaging You | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Engaging

20 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about engaging related.


To dream of engaging in combat, you will find yourself seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love of some one whom you know to be another’s, and you will run gr...

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For a woman to dream of hilarious drinking, denotes that she is engaging in affairs which may work to her discredit, though she may now find much pleasure in the same.If she dreams...

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1. Engaging in gossip indicates anger (“being catty”) at someone.2. Device for making one feel better about oneself. ...

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(Oils) In a dream, perfume means acknowledgment, commendation, or hearing pleasing words.If one sees his bottle of perfume evaporating in the dream, it means regards accompanied wi...

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Fainting in a dream is a warning that you are engaging in activities or a lifestyle that is ruinous to your health.It is a warning to change while you are still able.If you see a f...

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Teeth Falling Out

Insecurity in Life Dreams about teeth falling out often signify feelings of insecurity in some area of your life. Teeth serve three essential functions: they help us nurture oursel...

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Betting on races, beware of engaging in new undertakings. Enemies are trying to divert your attention from legitimate business. Betting at gaming tables, denotes that immoral devic...

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This is a very favorable dream.If the dwarf is well formed and pleasing in appearance, it omens you will never be dwarfed in mind or stature. Health and good constitution will admi...

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To dream of hearing notes from a flute, signifies a pleasant meeting with friends from a distance, and profitable engagements.For a young woman to dream of playing a flute, denotes...

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Law And Lawsuits

To dream of engaging in a lawsuit, warns you of enemies who are poisoning public opinion against you.If you know that the suit is dishonest on your part, you will seek to disposses...

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If you dream that your are riding on a mule, it denotes that you are engaging in pursuits which will cause you the greatest anxiety, but if you reach your destination without inter...

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To see murder committed in your dreams, foretells much sorrow arising from the misdeeds of others. Affair will assume dulness. Violent deaths will come under your notice.If you com...

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To dream of securing a patent, denotes that you will be careful and painstaking with any task you set about to accomplish.If you fail in securing your patent, you will suffer failu...

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For a young woman to dream of a physician, denotes that she is sacrificing her beauty in engaging in frivolous pastimes.If she is sick and thus dreams, she will have sickness or wo...

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To dream that you are in a rowboat with others, denotes that you will derive much pleasure from the companionship of gay and worldly persons.If the boat is capsized, you will suffe...

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Wages, if received in dreams, brings unlooked for good to persons engaging in new enterprises.To pay out wages, denotes that you will be confounded by dissatisfaction.To have your ...

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1. If watching a lover engage in sex with someone else, this reflects the dreamer’s feelings of unworthiness and/or sex­ual inadequacy.2. If engaging in sex with someone other ...

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Slot Machine

1. Willingness to take a chance on something or someone.2. Engaging in potentially self-destructive behavior. ...

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Chewing Gum

(Losing the sense of taste, Masticate) Chewing gum in a dream means committing loathsome sins or indulging in sodomy, for the people of the Prophet Lot (uwbp) used to chew gum.If o...

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Taking an ablution and completing it by giving careful attention to details in a dream means fulfilling one’s needs. Taking a second ablution to perform one’s prayers without t...

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