Comb Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 20 Unique Sources About Comb

comb image


Dream Meanings About The Comb

In a dream, a comb represents a good man who strives to help, serve, comfort and entertain others.

A comb in a dream also represents an auspicious time to be involved in a business partnership or accepting an employment in a large corporation, since the teeth of a comb are equal.

If the teeth of one’s comb are capped with gold or silver caps, then they represent one’s workers.

The golden caps represent trustworthy workers and the silver caps represent treacherous and disloyal workers. Combing one’s hair in a dream signifies paying alms tax, or it could mean distributing charities.

A comb in a dream also can be interpreted to denote an honest and a just man, an hour of happiness, or a wise person, a judge, a physician, or a preacher one can benefit from his knowledge.

A comb in a dream also represents a hairdresser or one’s mother. Combing the hair of an unknown woman in a dream represents a wind that will help pollinate the trees. In a dream, a comb also represents a sifter or a sieve.

The teeth of a comb may represent one’s own teeth or the teeth of a saw.

It is also said that combing hair in a dream means weaving a carpet. Combing one’s hair or beard in a dream means dispelling adversities and distress. In a dream, a comb also represents a good man who is just and equitable with all his friends, or it may mean longevity, wealth and victory against one’s enemy.


Combing your own hair in a dream suggests that you will have to take action to solve some both- ersome problems. Comb- ing someone else’s hair is a sign of misplaced trust Be careful where you place your confidence.

Losing your comb in a dream predicts a coming disenchantment in love; borrowing a comb or lending one forecasts financial difficulties for which you will require help, but don’t worry, you’ll get it If your dream involved observing a comb or seeing someone else using one, it signifies that you need to be firm in shaking off an association which no longer interests you.


1- A comb is a many-toothed implement and often emphasises the need to neaten or tidv something up in our lives. We need to tidy up our thoughts. In a man’s dream, it can indicate seduction or sensuality.

2- We may be conscious of the fact that we need to work with our self-image.

3- Fertility, the rays of the sun, entanglement and music arc all represented by the comb.


Combing your hair in a dream suggests your need to organize your thoughts.

A dream of seeing a comb, or multiple combs, is symbolic of your search for meaning in a certain relationship or situation. You need to find out more about elements that are not clear to you at the present time.


Dreams of a comb represent that you are in the process of cleaning up your act, preparing to present yourself publicly. Also, dreams of a comb represent investigation, reading between the lines, not taking things at face value. You are untangling a mystery with a fine toothed comb.


(See Also: Hair)

Having the proper tools or wherewithal to smooth out a tangled situation.

Magical control, especially over the elements. Hair combing was once used as a spell component, predominantly for bringing rain.

Motherly concern and protection.


Gives gender-specific: In a man’s dream, a comb can indicate seduction or sensuality. In a woman’s dream it perhaps has more to do with her devouring nature – the ability to destroy.


In a dream, the use of a comb could represent tidying up something such as a presentation. It can also represent careful examination, as when we go over something with a “fine tooth comb.”


Material aspects: A comb is a many-toothed implement and often emphasizes the need to neaten or tidy something up in our lives. We need to tidy up our thoughts.


A dream involving the use or presence of a comb can infer the dreamer is in need of tidying up loose ends in life or straightening out problems in need of tending to.


Something you are doing or thinking about doing to tidy up your thoughts or self presentation. Idioms: fine tooth comb.


Psychological / emotional perspective: We may be conscious of the fact that we need to work with our self-image.


Used to groom one’s spiritual covering, i.E. Uncombed hair is an undisciplined spirit


Fertility, the rays of the sun, entanglement and music are all represented by the comb.


Combing your hair in a dream forebodes illness of a friend or loved one.


1. Pride;

2. Dressing up for the occasion; Sam;14:25-26; 1Pet 3:3-4.


Vanity. Search more diligently (combing through).

See Also: Hair.


Untangling a situation. Still taking out tangles.


It means both happiness and ecstasy.


lucky numbers: 08-17-23-29-42-46

being combed by a beautician: self-preservation.

others: loss through someone trusted.

rich woman’s hair, a: big fortune ahead.

borrowing another’s: loss of money unless serious affairs are resolved.

broken, a: serious rift in the family.

buying a: not taking care of own affairs leads to unexpected change of address.

combing a boy’s hair: friendships are solid and secure.

curly: are emotional and impressionable and want it your way.

long: your new friendship wil last, which is what you want.

others, their hair: have a generous, reflective nature.

own hair: your vanity is counterproductive, tidy it up.

young girl’s hair: good relationship with someone you love.

losing a: your love for someone is not as strong as it once was.

own, being borrowed by others: difficulties through a strained friendship.

teeth missing, with: some points need clearing up.

using a: affairs are in confusion, tidy them up.


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