sleeping boy


Dreaming About My Crush Living In My Attic And In The Dream I Go Up To The Attic Where I Have A Movie Night With Him And Then He Kisses Me | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Cat Attic

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about cat and attic related.


A contentious person causing strife and discord...

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To see a caterpillar in a dream, denotes that low and hypocritical people are in your immediate future, and you will do well to keep clear of deceitful appearances. You may suffer ...

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To dream that you are in an attic, denotes that you are entertaining hopes which will fail of materialization.For a young woman to dream that she is sleeping in an attic, foretells...

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Overview of Cattle in Dreams Cattle in dreams often symbolize prosperity, happiness, and relationships. However, their physical condition and behavior in the dream provide more spe...

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To dream of a wast cathedral with its domes rising into space, denotes that you will be possessed with an envious nature and unhappy longings for the unattainable, both mental and ...

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Catacomb, Crypt

Example: T was in some kind of cave or crypt. My father told me and my family of his coming death. He was calm and caring but my mother, sister and myself were grief stricken and f...

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A stumbling block causing an inability to perceive the truth, i.E.A bad influence; doubt and unbelief...

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To dream of a cat denotes ill luck, especially if you do not succeed in killing it or driving it from your sight. If the cat attacks you, it signifies that you will face enemies wh...

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To dream of the catechism, foretells that you will be offered a lucrative position, but the strictures will be such that you will be worried as to accepting it. ...

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Bitter-sweet words which sound good, but bring discord and strife...

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(See Slingshot)...

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(See Calamity)...

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To dream you see caterpillars signifies ill-luck and misfortunes from secret enemies....

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Black Cat

A black cat can symbolize evil or bad luck for many non-Christians and is a common dream symbol in many nightmares...

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Piety and religious ritual ...

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Dreams of a catacomb symbolize ancestral reverence. This dream may be bringing awareness to family issues that have been repressed.See Labyrinth and Pyramid....

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To dream of a pole-cat, signifies salacious scandals.To inhale the odor of a pole-cat on your clothes, or otherwise smell one, you will find that your conduct will be considered ru...

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Offering special privileges...

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Fishing for trouble and strife and catching it; see “cat”...

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Pure of spirit...

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See “catherine”...

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Catty gossip that brings on strife...

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Cataract (eye)

One needs help to see something clearly. ...

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Expressing what one really feels about something. ...

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Attic Window

(Aperture, Peephole, Window) If one’s attic window towers over a large and a beautiful property in the dream, it means owning or acquiring a new property, earningrespect, honor ...

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A caterer in a dream represents celebrations or a wedding.A commercial caterer in a dream represents someone who deters benefits. Pastry caterer in a dream represents a man of know...

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Cattle Dealer

In a dream, a cattle dealer represents someone who prefers dealing with rich people, or he could represent the mayor of a town.A cattle dealer in a dream also represents a hunter o...

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(See Stableman)...

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Civet Cat

(See Civet)...

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Killing A Cat

Killing or slaughtering a cat means that a person will over power his enemy or rival....

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Siamese Cat

(See Tomcat)...

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Cattle Prod

wise sayings, the word of God, Eccl. 12:11...

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Fat Cat

Symbolic of a rich person ...

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A warning to bdware of enemies who have gained your confidence (Gypsy). ...

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See end of the world; atom bomb. ...

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Categories Of Dreams

Gnffith, Miyago and Tago give 34 types of dream themes, from falling to being hung by the neck.For the lay dreamer it is more useful to put dreams into much broader categories such...

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You can rely on having at least one “ friend in need.”...

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Alley Cat

If you heard the noise of alley cats in your dream, it is a warning to avoid an indiscreet acquaintance in your immediate circle.See also Cat....

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Throwing And Catching

If you throw or catch something in a dream, you need to pay attention to what it is you are throwing and catching. Are you throwing something away, or catching something you need, ...

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Big Cats

Stealth, ferocity, power, strength, cunning and the will to survive are suggested by wild cats in dreams....

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Your dreams may often be cathartic vehicles to help you resolve difficult and painful emotions. The basic idea of catharsis is to purge or let off steam. It is thought that if a pe...

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1. Riches; Ps. 107:382. Wealth; Gen. 30:43....

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1. Trying to catch you out in your words; Mark 12:13...

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Gliding down the catwalk with all eyes on you might be heaven for some and a nightmare for others. The meaning of this dream is dependent on how you felt at the time and what happe...

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lucky numbers: 21-30-38-39-41-51clothes and shoes: friends wil place blame upon you. machinery: loss in personal affairs. making a selection from: attempt to be diligent in future....

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In My Dream I Saw A Cater Ar In A Water Tank

Positive InterpretationThis dream may signify your ability and readiness to undergo significant transformation and self-growth, as suggested by the analogy of a caterpillar prepari...

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Fire In The Attic

General MeaningDreaming about a fire in the attic is usually indicative of an awakening or reinvigoration. The attic usually represents the mind, including memories and thoughts, o...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation