sleeping boy


Buried Up To My Neck Being Pulled Out By A Cow | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Buried Neck Pulled Cow

14 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about buried, neck pulled and cow related.


To dream that you see your own neck, foretells that vexatious family relations will interfere with your business.To admire the neck of another, signifies your worldly mindedness wi...

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Buried Alive

To dream that you are buried alive. denotes that you are about to make a great mistake, which your opponents will quickly turn to your injury.If you are rescued from the grave, you...

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Cupping On The Neck

Either he will commit brech of trust or breach of trust will be committed in his property....

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Neck Pain

(See Pain)...

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The Neck

If the neck is severed from the body it means that the person will become free if he is a slave or he will recover from his illness or he will soon be freed of his debts.The same d...

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The Sword-belt Hanging From The Neck

If a person sees a sword-belt handing from his neck in such a manner that the sword hangs on the ground, it means he will wield power proportionate to the length of the sword. But ...

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Neck / Throat

When dreaming about a sore or painful throat, make sure that you are not being bothered by a real health issue, like a cold. Other than that, people you deal with, or annoying situ...

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For a man to dream that he is buried and interred, signifies he shall have as much wealth as he hath earth laid over him....

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Buried / Bury

If you dream of burying something to hide it from someone, you may be keeping a secret or avoiding telling the truth in real life. However, you may be getting ready to reveal and c...

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Pull / Pulled

To dream that you are pulling something, indicates your struggles with getting things accomplished. It may represent your responsibilities, relationships, or situations which you s...

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Neck / Shoulder

To see your own or another person’s neck in your dream signifies your need to control your feelings and keep them in check. Consider the familiar phrase, ‘don’t stick your ne...

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Accidentally Buried Dad Alive

General MeaningDreaming of accidently burying your father alive can signify a variety of things, many of them associated with change and transformation. In general, such a dream ca...

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Cracking Your Neck

General MeaningA dream where you, or someone else, is cracking their neck can symbolize a need for flexibility and adaptability in life. Your neck symbolizes the ability to transce...

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Breaking Someones Neck

General MeaningDreams where you break someone\'s neck represents feelings of conflict, aggression, and power. It may symbolize a desire to disable, overpower or stop someone in you...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation