Brother Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 20 Unique Sources About Brother

brother image


Dream Meanings About The Brother

To dream of your brother represents the bond that you share with him. Perhaps you know someone else who also has the same attributes or features that he possesses.

If you do not have a brother and dream that you have one, then this may indicate that you have to recognize certain attributes that you possess.

The brother in your dream may represent a very important relationship that you share with someone else.

A brother may also signify devout and inspirational emotions that you harbor.

It is also possible that you have trouble surrendering control and power to someone else.

To dream that you are mad or angry at your brother implies that you hold unresolved feelings of rage that you are hesitant to communicate


A brother can represent both feelings of kinship and of rivalry. In a man’s dream an older brother can represent experience and authority, while a younger brother suggests vulnerability and possibly lack of maturity. In a woman’s dream, a younger brother can represent a sense of rivalry, but also of vulnerability, whether her own or her brother’s.

An older brother can signify her extrovert self.


If you dream of your brother, this can be a literal dream about him, the qualities he represents to you, or that which you project upon him.

If you don’t have a brother, this dream can be symbolic of brotherly love, being a “soul brother”, having a trusted bloodline with a man, or your connection to the brotherhood of men.

See Also: Family, Son, Boy.


The meaning varies according to context and sex of the dreamer.

For a woman it signifies great domestic security, but for a man it indicates family quarrels ahead.

An objective dream of unity between brothers is an indication of financial stability.


A dream about one’s brother or any other close family member is difficult to interpret because of the extensive shared history. One’s real-life brother sometimes represents the concept of brotherhood (fellowship, alliance).


This category in a dream includes, the grandfather, the maternal and the paternal uncles and whoever has a share in one’s inheritance.

A brother in a dream means having shareholders in one’s business.


In the case of a man, the second ego. You are dependent only on yourself; you walk unaided; or your masculine side needs to be strengthened. In the case of a woman: Strengthen your masculine side.


A dream about your real brother should be interpreted according to your real life relationship.

Dreaming of a brother you don’t have means you feel the need to express yourself more fully.


1. Masculine characteristics of self (especially if a woman is dreaming).

2. Authority or repression (older brother).

3. Con­flicts (if arguing).


1. Christian brother (male or female) ) Rom. 14:13

2. Someone who is like a brother to you, Rom. 9:3.

3. Literal brother; Gal. 1:19;

4. Jesus Christ; Matt. 28:10;


This omen depends upon the sex of the dreamer.

If a woman dreams of her Brother, it is a sign of much domestic happiness; but if it is a man, then expect a quarrel.


Masculine part of self. Qualities in self you project on brother or brother figure. Perception of relationship with actual brother or person brother represents.


Symbolic of Christ, Prov. 18:24, other Christians, or adversity, Prov. 17:17


See “relative”


See Also: Siblings.


See Also: family.


To dream you see your brother, denotes a speedy marriage in your family, and that the dreamer will be long-lived; if you are in love, it is a favorable omen.


lucky numbers: 09-25-27-38-43-52

brother-in-law, flirting with a: material indulgences put your reputation at stake.

marrying a: are being taken advantage of by relatives.

several, having: financial gains.

dying: one’s enemies are destroyed.

getting married: family quarrels from your act of courage.

man dreaming of his: expect quarrels.

woman, her: much domestic happiness.

quarreling with a: big fortune from black sheep of the family.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation