sleeping boy


40 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about boa related.


Boat signals forecast bright prospects, if upon clear water.If the water is unsettled and turbulent, cares and unhappy changes threaten the dreamer.If with a gay party you board a ...

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Devourer, a symbol of a curse upon your valuables or property, Ps. 80:13...

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Ouija Board

1. Unpredictability or uncertainty about the future.2. Acceptance of destiny.3. Mystery and curiosity. ...

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Boat, Ship

Our journey through the seas of life and how we meet the rough and smooth experiences, as with following example.The dream occurred a few weeks before a break­down centering on th...

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Board Game

Playing a board game may represent a strategic- decision that you have just made in a business deal.A board game in a dream may also indicate that you arc facing competition or opp...

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Boats in our dreams ride on the waves and the surface of the subconscious, so they are connected to the emotional and creative currents of life.An ocean liner, carrying a large car...

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Boarding House

To dream of a boarding house, foretells that you will suffer entanglement and disorder in your enterprises, and you are likely to change your residence. ...

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To hear boasting in your dreams, you will sincerely regret an impulsive act, which will cause trouble to your friends.To boast to a competitor, foretells that you will be unjust, a...

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To dream of being in a life-boat, denotes escape from threatened evil.To see a life-boat sinking, friends will contribute to your distress.To be lost in a life-boat, you will be ov...

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1. Friendships and social aspects of life.2. A symbol for life’s journey, chosen path.3. Prosperity, financial security. ...

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Fishing Boat

(See Boat, Ship)...

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That which is flat, smooth, and connects.The function of the board is important....

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Wild Boar

The wild boar depicts the archetypal masculine principal, and often the negative masculine in a woman’s dream. We may be evading an issue that should be challenged and dealt with...

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Boarding School

To dream about boarding school, represents the value you place on knowledge and education. You believe that you are always learning and not just in the classroom.If you are current...

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Board Meeting

1. Communing over business matters; Matt. 5:22; 10:17....

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Cooling Board

For a young woman to see a cooling board in her dreams, foretells sickness and quarrels with her lover.To dream of some living person as dead and rising up from a cooling board, de...

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A figurative protection from mud-slinging, etc.; See “mud”...

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Correctly channeling one’s emotions and turning them into positive action; see “boat”...

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Laboriously struggling with opposing forces in order to get ahead; see “boat”...

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1. Concerns about prosperity, security.2. Current difficulties, often emotional, are temporary.3. Emotional state, well-being. ...

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Boarding Or Sitting In A Vessel

If a person sees himself as having boarded a vessel which is sea-bounded or merely cruising on water it suggest that he will become entangled with the king or authorities carrying ...

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(Brag, Feat) Boasting about something in a dream signifies wealth and spending....

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Checker Board

(See Chessboard)...

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Hearing Board

(Cabinet, Council, Court, Inquisitional court) If one’s name is presented before a hearing board for review, and ifhe is nominated to fill a seat in any governmental department...

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Boat, Canoe, Sailboat, Ship, Etc

Seen in a clear stream, a dream of happiness; to see one sink indicates disappointment; to fall from one, great dangers; to sail on smooth water, happiness and prosperity; on muddy...

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Boogie Board

A boogie board is used to ride the waves on your belly and may suggest riding an emotional or creative wave and enjoying it.The board might also suggest that it is “time to boogi...

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Speed Boat

A whirlwind courtship and marriage will come to the man or maid who dreams of driving a speed boat....

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Boat Ride

Vision: A boat ride is an indication that you arc not pursuing your goals forcefully enough. Dreaming about passing through a narrow spot means that you need to concentrate, pay m...

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Boat, Small

Vision: If you are crossing a raging river in a small boat: you are facing great difficulties right now, but things will get sorted out.Depth Psychology: A small boat makes it po...

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Boat Or Ship

If you dream that you are sailing, and that the water is smooth, it indicates some fortunate business, or happiness in married life.If the water is rough, then you will have to fac...

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Black Board

Dreams of a black board signify a profound message for you. Consider the message written on the board.If it is a clean slate, then this represents that you have an open mind.If you...

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Diving Board

A dream of standing on a diving board, symbolizes a serious temptation or ordeal with which you are or will soon be faced.If you were unable to jump, you are not yet ready to deal ...

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Boat Guy

Creative thoughts that “keep you afloat”. ...

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Boogie Boarding

Riding out circumstances in life. ...

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See under individual listings of kinds of wood....

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In any case, it means the desire to start something new; whether it is a journey, a relationship, or a project. It represents the intentions and expectations. The dreamer’s life ...

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Pig / Wild Boar

Pigs are symbolic of a life governed by untamed physical needs and passions; they can also suggest impossible ventures, or inappropriate behavior and neglect of the spiritual side ...

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Board Room

1. Secular leadership;2. Religious council;3. Elders;...

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Dart Board

1. Shield of Faith;2. Dart board have numbers look at the number for the answer, negative and positive,3. Bullseye, (red) fierce anger; Eph. 6:16....

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Board In A Plane Which Has Broken Wings

Positive InterpretationBoarding a plane with broken wings in your dream might symbolize your will to strive for your goals despite obstacles. This dream could epitomize your determ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation