Belt Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 25 Unique Sources About Belt

belt image


Dream Meanings About The Belt

The belt indicates the place where love and beauty (and the fascination with it) reside.

The belt (waist), as a physical expression of the connection between the conscious and unconscious, asks us to decide if we want to walk the path of physical urges and drives or the path of the spiritual. Ideally, both paths lead to harmony and balance between body and soul. This image also asks how we deal with sensuousness and the pleasures of life.

The image, however, usually appears when we feel restricted and bothered by something.

If that were not the case, our unconscious would see no reason to produce such an image.

For that reason, the belt usually points to restrictions imposed by the spouse (often the wife).

The belt is a symbol of power, strength, and the influence of the woman (as in the Nibelungen Ring—the belt of Kriemhilde—or the belt of the Queen of the Amazons in Greek mythology). In today’s terms, the belt is clearly a sign of repressed emotions, particularly sexual repression, for men as well as for women.

If the belt appears in the dream of a woman, it is usually a symbol of virtue and purity; in the dream of a man, it is energy and fertility.


(Cincture, Cummerbund, Fastening, Sash, Waist belt) In a dream, a belt depicts the carrier of burdens. It also implies travels, money, savings or stinginess. It also could mean serious endeavors and assiduity in seeking knowledge.

A belt or a waistband in a dream could represent one’s wife or his property.

If a woman sees herself wearing a waistband, then it represents her brother, brother in-law, or father in-law.

If she is pregnant, it means that she will beget a daughter.

If a man sees himself wearing a waistband in a dream, it represents a woman in his family to whom it is unlawful for him to marry.

A broken belt in a dream means a fight with one’s wife. Ifone’s waistband becomes a snake in the dream, it means enmity with his brother in-law. Ifhis waistband is drenched in blood in the dream, it means that he may get killed because of his wife, or that he may conspire to kill his wife. Wearing a belt in a dream also represents bundles ofmoney one carries, or an unanticipated misfortune he may attract. Buying a new belt in a dream means protecting one’s property, money or knowledge.

(See Also: Cincture, Cummerbund, Waistb, Waist belt)


Symbol of bodily protection it is an allegory of virginity. Additionally, like any round and closed figure, the belt represents continuity and wholeness. Therefore, it serves as a symbol of marriage and it also represents the tie that binds you to a given affiliation, group, or society. It also provides security and power due to the support it symbolizes. However, this dream can also be a warning of abdominal discomfort due to inadequate night position.

A beautiful and rich belt is, according to ancient oracles, a sign of good luck.

If it is jeweled it announces the birth of a child. A broken belt is a bad omen for your children’s life.


Symbol: A belt is a symbol of fairness, energy, faith, and truth. Vision: Finding a belt: you are gaining the trust of another person. Losing a belt: misery in matters of love. Seeing an old belt: all efforts and struggles are for naught.

Depth Psychology: The belt is a symbol of erotic needs for power and influence over other people (particularly in a man’s dream). Do you want to tie somebody to you? Or punish a person physically with a belt?


A belt brings attention and definition to the waist and navel areas as well as functioning to hold up your pants. It may represent a powerful will for a man or woman who wears a belt with a large decorative buckle.

A belt may also indicate that you must tighten your belt, thus curtailing expenditures.

For a woman, cinching a belt may indicate her desire to appear curvier.

A belt may also be associated with physical ab ise for a child who was frequently whipped.


1- To dream of a belt which attracts our attention represents the fact that we arc perhaps being bound by old attitudes, duty and so on.

An ornate belt can represent a symbol of power or office (as in regimental or nurses’ belts).

2- Intellectually wc mav be ‘hide- bound’ through outdated material.

3- A belt may be an insignia of power, and can represent either the power we have, or the power we can obtain.


A belt is designed to hold up the pair of pants that it is wound through. In this functional way, a belt is a symbol of support. However, belts can also be used to adorn and express, which adds a creative flair to the symbolic meaning they possess.

If a belt is too tight, the constriction that results is also a symbol for limitation and feelings of restriction.


To see a belt in your dream, suggests an inner conflict. You may be caught between what you know intellectually, and what your heart feels.

If you wore or put on a belt, you wish for a change in your surroundings.

If you took off a belt in your dream, this indicates a need for more security.


Dreams of a belt symbolize that you are pulling yourself together or holding back your personal power and individuality.

If the belt is tight, it represents restriction or lean times.

If the belt is loose, it represents vulnerability. Consider the feeling tone.

See Also: Chakra-Solar Plexus.


1. Ancient symbol of authority, victory.

2. Austerity (“tighten our belts”).

3. Punishment.

4. Constriction between subcon­scious feelings (stomach) and conscious intellect (head) if the belt is too tight.

5. Wealth (loosening).


A dream of contrary.

To wear a belt or put one on signifies a wish for a change of surroundings, but to observe a belt or take one off indicates a need for more security.

In either case, energetic positive action is suggested.

See Also: Leather, Colors.


To dream that you have a new style belt, denotes you are soon to meet and make engagements with a stranger, which will demoralize your prosperity.

If it is out of date, you will be meritedly censured for rudeness.


Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream a belt can have the same significance as a girdle – a symbol of her femininity. In a man’s dream it is more likely to be a symbol of security.


Holding things together, insuring smooth operation, as a belt on machinery. When around waist, may represent stress and tension in third chakra or solar plexus; stomach tied up.


interpreted upon 7 sides: usefulness from the father, or from the brother, child, glory, high standing, long lifetime, fairness, faith.


A belt is an insignia of power and can represent either the spiritual power we have, or the power we are able to obtain.


Psychological / emotional perspective: Intellectually we may be ‘hide-bound’ or constrained in some fashion.


Often tightly restrained sexuality or emotions; protec- tiveness. Idioms: belt up; tighten one’s belt.


This is symbolic of truth, Eph. 6:11. A belt is also symbolic of an attachment to something, Jer. 13:11


Shows type and amount of self-control; truthfulness; research the color and type; see “abdomen”


1. Truth;

2. The Word;

3. Prophecy; 2 Sam. 18:11.

4. Prophet mantle; Eph. 6:14;


To dream of putting one on is a good omen of a happy future.


(See Also: Clothes)


lucky numbers: 04-11-13-18-33-36

black: damage to anyone who chal enges you.

broken: damage received wil require major surgery.

buckling a: your rudeness wil put a brake on your rise to power.

others: a stranger wil create gossip around you.

finding a: you are gaining another’s trust, honor it.

gold: big earnings.

leather, a: relaxation for a moment, then be on guard.

losing a: heartfelt misery.

new, a: you wil meet a significant stranger.

old, an: hard work is for naught; bright ideas bring success.

sash, putting on a: present your best facade for important guests.

children: charge them to retain the affections of one they could inherit from.

taking off a: your comedy can be bel igerent.

children: desires wil be met with affection previously concealed.

silver: you wil go to court to protect your honor.

tying a: you are suppressing your erotic needs to al ow a smooth operation.

others: wish to influence another, but cannot hold three things together.

yellow: treason.


Sources and Authors

  1. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  2. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  3. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  4. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  5. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  6. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  7. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  8. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  9. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  10. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  11. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  12. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  14. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  15. Islamic Dream - Cafer-i Sadik by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  17. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  18. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  19. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  20. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  22. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  23. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  24. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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