Being Stabbed Dream Interpretation

sleeping boy


A Dream Interpretation About The Being Stabbed

Dreaming of being stabbed signals emotional distress or betrayal in waking life, potentially indicating unresolved issues. It symbolizes deep-rooted emotional pain but could lead to personal growth.

General Meaning

Dreaming of being stabbed usually indicates that you are suffering emotional hurt or distress in your waking life. This dream technique is your mind\'s way of expressing that pain, often as a stark, visceral and violent image to ensure it captures your attention. Stabbings in a dream are often thought to be symbolic of betrayal, fear, shock, or surprise.

These dreams can also arise when feeling betrayed, left out, unappreciated, or stuck in a difficult situation. Often, such dreams are a result of feelings of hurt due to betrayal in past or present relationships. Stabbing is a penetrative action, highlighting deeply-rooted issues that are deeply affecting your internal state, consciously or subconsciously.

Positive and Negative Interpretation


Although dreaming of being stabbed seems intensely negative, there can nonetheless be positive interpretations. Such a dream can be a wake-up call, raising the awareness of hidden threats or issues. It may urge you to start addressing those feelings of betrayal or hurt that you\'ve been ignoring or suppressing. This dream experience, though unpleasant, is creating a room for introspection and self-awareness, allowing for personal growth and healing.


Negative interpretations of being stabbed in a dream are not uncommon, given the violent nature of the action. These dreams typically raise feelings of betrayal, vulnerability, helplessness, and fear. They might be indicative of ongoing toxic relationships or situations, where the individual feels manipulated or exploited. The dream signals a lack of control in one\'s personal life.

Future Outlook

The dominance of these dreams in your life signals a pressing need to address your emotions and current situations. If the dreams persist, they might indicate unresolved crises, indicating a need to seek professional help or find personal coping strategies. The resolution of what your dream symbolically suggested will determine your future outlook.

Confrontation and understanding of the hidden feelings of distress or betrayal will lead you towards personal growth and mental peace. On the other hand, ignoring or avoiding the underlying issues might lead to a state of mental turbulence and negative impacts on your relationships.

Psychological Interpretation

Psychologically speaking, dreams of being stabbed might be related to repressed feelings of anger, hurt or fear. These powerful emotions might be buried so deep that they are only represented symbolically in our dreams. These dreams are a symbolic expression of feelings of being \"stabbed in the back\" or deeply wronged.

These dreams often suggest a sense of vulnerability or lack of control, which can reflect underlying anxiety disorders or depressive tendencies. Thus, these dreams could be a symptom of those mental health issues, or alternatively, they could be a subconscious tool for dealing with those issues, allowing the emotions associated with them to be expressed in a \'safe\' context.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Insights by [Back to dream]

17 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about stabbed related.


1- When a dagger appears in a dream, the meaning can either be aggressive or defensive.If the dreamer is using the dagger to attack someone then he may be trying to cut out some pa...

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1. If stabbing someone, an expression of hostility.2. Encour­agement to “take a stab at something.” 3. One feels that one is being “stabbed in the back by someone.” ...

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Shooting, Murder. Clearly there is a sexual component here, since it points to penetrating (the skin), Thorns, and Blood.The sting, as in the fairy tales “Sleeping Beauty” and ...

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Fork (utensil)

To dream of being stabbed with a fork or seeing someone stabbed with one is a warning to guard your statements in order not to lose status and prestige.If you see someone eating wi...

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A symbol for caution.If you stab someone with a bayonet, be careful in your dealings with the opposite sex.If you are stabbed with a bayonet, you will suffer financial loss....

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If you dream you are fighting someone off with a javelin then you will be facing a probe in your business and personal affairs that will leave no stone unturned.If you are stabbed ...

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To dream of a fork (the kind you eat with) is a good omen, foretelling a release from present worries.To stab or see something or someone stabbed with a fork predicts a possible lo...

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A knife can signify the need to cut to the quick, to lay open one’s innermost fears. It may indicate being “stabbed in the back” or being the victim or perpetrator of an act ...

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Vision: Getting pricked by a needle: arguments and nitpicking ahead. It also could mean losing a friend. Seeing a needle: some people have hostile intentions.See Stabbing.Depth Ps...

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To dream that you have been back-stabbed, represents your suspicions about a particular person, relationship or situation in real life....

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God force, Christ within; love, emotions, feelings.If cutting out a heart, means need to open feelings, love; have a heart.If being stabbed, you are losing energy through empathizi...

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