Bald Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 16 Unique Sources About Bald

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Dream Meanings About The Bald

Both your baldness or someone else’s is always a negative omen.

If you dream that you lose hair, you may be too concerned about your appearance or what others think of you. Perhaps, you feel anxious and insecure and do not trust your ability to cope with certain situations. On the other hand, to see a bald man points to the need to watch out for a possible scam, as well as the arrival of bad news about a lawsuit with little chance of success.

If the dreamer is a young woman she should be wary of a suitor. When a man dreams of a bald woman it shows a strained relationship with his wife.

If it is you who goes bald, it expresses concern about your virility. Finally, baldness on the forehead means that you could be mocked in your group of friends; and baldness on the back of your head, imminent poverty if you are not careful enough in business.

Both European and American cultures believe that going bald in a dream is synonym with economic losses. In some African peoples, however, it is considered a really promising omen.


To see a bald-headed man, denotes that sharpers are to make a deal adverse to your interests, but by keeping wide awake, you will outwit them.

For a man to dream of a bald-headed woman, insures him to have a vixen for wife.

A bald hill, or mountain, indicates famine and suffering in various forms.

For a young woman to dream of a bald-headed man, is a warning to her to use her intelligence against listening to her next marriage offer. Bald-headed babies signify a happy home, a loving companion, and obedient children.


1- To dream of someone who is bald indicates we are being made aware of a degree of dullness in our lives.

2- To dream of ourselves being bald can be somewhat ambiguous. It usually suggests a loss of intellectual prowess, but can also symbolise intelligence.

3- Baldness in a dream is recognition of the attainment of Spirituality with its attendant humilitv. Priests used to shave their heads to show they had nothing to hide.


Dreams of baldness symbolize that you are feeling exposed and vulnerable.

For some the loss of hair equates a loss of power and/or sexual virility. Alternatively, a bald head symbolizes an exposed crown chakra, which signifies that you have an openness to higher consciousness and enlightened thoughts.

See Also: Crown Chakra.


Gives gender-specific: Many men nowadays choose to shave their heads when they are losing their hair and are taking a practical step to deal with a problem. In a man’s dream, therefore, when he is bald it will have less of an emotional impact than it will when a woman finds herself in that position.


Some believe that dreaming about baldness is a warning about poor health. However, baldness symbolizes a lack of something, just like those who are bald lack hair. Hair represents feelings of personal power and beauty. Consider if such issues are currently relevant in your life.


Priests used to shave their heads to show they had nothing to hide. Before it became simply fashionable in today’s world to be bald, baldness in a dream signified the attainment of spirituality with its attendant humility, and signified honesty.


Loss of strength and power.

(e.g., Samson after Delilah cut off all his hair.)

Nakedness; revealing that which you don’t want to reveal; baring it all. Astrological parallel: Aries Tarot parallel: Strength reversed


Psychological / emotional perspective: To dream of being bald when we normally have hair can be somewhat ambiguous. It suggests a loss, usually of intellectual prowess, but can also symbolize intelligence.


You need to be on guard against being cheated by someone you trust if you dreamed of baldness in others.

A dream of your own baldness is a health warning; get a medical checkup.

See Also: Hair.


A dream concerning your health—the less hair you appear to have, the more serious will be the coming illness. In the case of a woman, it indicates money troubles, or some difficult love affair.


Unadorned, undisguised; symbolic of exposing crown chakra to higher learner and truth, dedication of self to spiritual growth. Loss of hair also represents loss of power.

See Also: Hair.


Material aspects: To dream of someone who is bald when they normally have hair suggests we are being made aware of a degree of dullness in life.


A bald man appearing in a dream may represent a man who has lost his power. Baldness may also be a positive sign of maturity for a man.


Losing your hair in a dream may symbolize not having protection from God, Micah 1:16


Of no literal connotation; figurative of a lack of spiritual protection


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