Baby Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 37 Unique Sources About Baby

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Dream Meanings About The Baby

Interpreting Dreams about Babies: What They Might Mean and How to Understand Them

Dreams about babies can have different meanings depending on the context and the dreamer's personal life. Generally, a baby in a dream represents new beginnings, innocence, and purity. Here are some common interpretations of a baby in a dream:

Common Interpretations of Baby Dreams

  • (1) For pregnant women, dreaming of a baby is common. However, for women who are not pregnant, the dream may indicate a deep-seated desire for a baby.
  • (2) The baby may symbolize vulnerability or the need for love. It can represent a part of yourself that needs love and care. To allow this part of you to mature, self-love and care are essential. This interpretation is particularly relevant if the baby in the dream appears to be crying or in need of care.
  • (3) The baby can represent your pure, innocent, true self, as opposed to what society or past experiences might have conditioned you to be. If the baby appears bright and clean, it might symbolize your untainted and chaste qualities.
  • (4) The baby may represent some new development in your personality or personal life. It could be a new idea, a relationship, or a project. Seeing a baby in a dream may indicate that a new chapter in your life is about to begin.

Additional Interpretations of Baby Dreams

  • A crying baby might indicate an unmet need, desire, or fear. The dream may be urging you to pay attention to something that you have been neglecting.
  • A dead baby might signify the end of a part of your life. This could represent the end of a relationship, a job, or a phase in your personal journey.
  • Seeing a talking baby may suggest that you need to listen to your inner child. Your subconscious could be telling you to pay more attention to your emotions and feelings.
  • If you dream of nursing a baby, it may indicate that someone you trust could deceive you. This dream might be a warning to be cautious in your relationships.
  • Dreaming that you forgot you had a baby could symbolize a desire to hide your vulnerabilities. You may feel ashamed of some aspect of yourself or your life.
  • A premature baby might represent a newly developing relationship or idea that is causing you anxiety. This dream suggests that patience is needed for this aspect of your life to grow and mature.


In conclusion, a baby in a dream can have multiple meanings depending on the dream's context and the dreamer's personal life. It might represent new beginnings, vulnerability, or the need for love. It could also symbolize new developments in your life or reflect a deep-seated desire for a baby. Additionally, the dream might indicate unmet needs, fears, or vulnerabilities that you need to address in your waking life.

See Also: new beginnings, vulnerability, inner child, self-care.


General Meaning of Dreams about Babies

Babies in dreams can have a twofold meaning. They often represent being given a new responsibility. Additionally, they symbolize trust, vulnerability, and innocence.

Positive Interpretations

  • In a positive light, a baby symbolizes new life and a new aspect of your life or ministry.
  • A baby boy often speaks of a teaching and leadership type of ministry, whereas a baby girl indicates a more prophetic or creative emphasis in your ministry.
  • If you dream of a baby that suddenly matures beyond its age (for example, a newborn that can walk already), this suggests that the new development in your life will mature quickly.
  • Dreaming of twins represents having a ministry or responsibility that has two distinct aspects. The dream advises nurturing both aspects and not choosing one over the other.
  • If someone hands you their baby in a dream, it may signify that they are passing their responsibility or ministry mandate to you. The meaning depends on how you view this person in the dream. If they represent a ministry figure, it could mean the Lord is giving you this kind of ministry. If they are a spiritual parent, it suggests they are passing their mandate to you.

Negative Interpretations

  • If you dream that you lose your child or baby, it may mean that you have neglected or lost a spiritual promotion that God was offering you.
  • If you’ve been trusting God for something and dream of losing a baby, it could indicate that you’ve lost faith or that a curse is causing the blessing to be lost.
  • Neglecting a baby in a dream suggests that you have not been using your spiritual gifts.
  • Taking someone else’s baby in a dream could mean that you are taking on responsibilities that aren’t your own.
  • A baby can also indicate that a spiritual gift is still young within you, reflecting immaturity in that particular calling.

Visions of Babies

  • In visions, babies symbolize new life, trust, innocence, and purity. They have not yet been corrupted and possess strong faith. This is why Jesus encouraged us to be like little children.
  • Seeing someone in the spirit surrounded by children might indicate that the Lord is calling them to be spiritual parents or that the Lord has many blessings in store for them.
  • 1 Peter 2:2 refers to newborns craving the "milk of the word," symbolizing a desire to grow spiritually.
  • Seeing someone as a baby in the spirit suggests that the Lord wants them to receive with innocence and trust Him completely. Matthew 11:25 illustrates that the Lord reveals His truths to the innocent, not the wise and prudent.
  • If you see someone as a baby in the arms of the Lord, it conveys the message that the Lord wants them to rest in Him and trust that He will care for them.

Negative Visions of Babies

  • If you see a baby in the spirit, it might mean that the person you are ministering to is still immature in their spiritual walk.
  • If you are counseling someone and see them as a baby, it could indicate past hurts that need inner healing, especially from the age represented by the baby in the vision.
  • A negative vision involving a baby could also suggest the birth of something that wasn’t conceived by the Lord, but rather by the flesh or the enemy.

See Also: Birth, Child, Pregnant.


Dream Interpretation: The Meaning of Babies in Your Dreams

When a baby is born or appears in your dream, were you the proud parent? If so, this could symbolize a budding talent or creative potential just beginning to emerge.

Multiple Babies in a Dream

If you give birth to two or more babies, this may represent groups of ideas or personal talents. On the other hand, it may suggest that extra care and attention are needed for your ‘brainchild’ to succeed. If the dream baby is premature, this message becomes even more significant.

Looking After Someone Else's Baby

If you are looking after someone else’s baby in your dream, it could indicate that in waking life, you feel as though you've been left ‘holding the baby’ in some way. Did you enjoy holding the baby, or did you feel panicked by the responsibility? If you felt anxious, you may be worried about a responsibility placed upon you in waking life. Pay attention to the behavior of the baby. If the baby is happy, this suggests that you are fulfilling the needs of your brainchild. However, if the baby is distressed, it could indicate that your idea, project, or talent is not being developed or nurtured properly.

Losing or Injuring a Baby in a Dream

Dreaming of losing or injuring a baby can suggest a loss of confidence and an inability to put in the hard work required to complete a project. If you are the parent of a young baby and have this dream, it may indicate that you are struggling to cope with the responsibilities of caring for your baby in waking life. This dream may also reflect feelings of guilt about not being a ‘perfect’ parent and a desperate need for personal time.

Inner Child or Unexpressed Aspect of Yourself

If procreation is not on your conscious mind, dream babies may represent an unconscious counterpart introducing you to your inner child. This aspect of yourself may be dependent on others for emotional or financial support, or it may symbolize a part of you that longs to be reborn and live again. This ‘baby’ could also represent a part of your personality or potential that has not yet been fully expressed or developed.

Symbolism of Baby Body and Head

  • If the baby is born with an adult body and a baby head, this suggests an immature approach to life.
  • If the baby has a baby body and an adult head, it symbolizes adult intellect but emotional and sexual immaturity.

Gifted or Beautiful Baby

If the baby is remarkable in some way, it represents personal insight and the emergence of previously unconscious elements of yourself. A baby boy in your dream suggests the birth of new self-expression, activities, and achievements, while a baby girl signifies new aspects of feelings and relationships with others.

Babies' Emotions in Dreams

  • If the baby is crying, it indicates that your fundamental needs for love, support, comfort, and happiness are not being met. It may reflect distress that you are not acknowledging.
  • If you dream of dropping a baby, this could suggest carelessness in addressing your basic needs, especially in terms of connection with others. It may also symbolize a missed opportunity or a feeling that someone has lost interest in you.
  • If the baby is smiling, it signifies a deep sense of comfort, security, and satisfaction.

See Also: self, expression, responsibility, inner child, emotional maturity.


General Meaning of Dreams about Babies

Dreams about babies can represent a variety of feelings and urges related to different levels of development, such as possessiveness, joy, curiosity, innocent love, or even infant trauma. They may also symbolize feelings of helplessness, vulnerability, or the need to be cared for, as well as a lack of responsibility. Additionally, a baby in a dream may signify a new phase in life, a new idea, or a new activity, similar to when someone says they have a ‘new baby,’ referring to a new project or business.

Symbolism Based on Context

  • When a baby appears with a couple, it may represent the relationship’s creation, such as the marriage or life process connected to reproduction.
  • In a woman’s dream, a baby may reflect a desire for motherhood, responsibility for caring for a child, or worries about having a healthy baby.
  • In a man’s dream, a baby could symbolize a desire for parenthood, the weight of responsibility, or fears of being unable to provide.
  • In a child’s dream, a baby might symbolize themselves at that age or their feelings about a baby sibling.

Dream Example 1: Guilt and Responsibility

Example: ‘I have my own baby who is lying in a cot in a bedroom, looking very weak and pathetic with eyes closed. I know that the baby is getting weaker and weaker through lack of food and care. In fact, the baby seems to be dying. The feelings of guilt are terrible because I know it is my responsibility to do something to make it well. I keep saying to myself I must go and feed that baby—but I don’t. I just keep worrying and feeling guilty’ (JC).

This dream may reveal unmet needs from infancy, such as not being properly fed or cared for, or emotional neglect during babyhood. These unmet needs often surface in dreams as a symbol of a weak or neglected baby. If these early needs go unaddressed, they can limit one’s ability to experience enthusiasm, pleasure, or engage fully in life.

Dream Example 2: Biological Conflict

Example: ‘I am 48, have two children in their late teens, and definitely DO NOT want another baby. Nevertheless, I have a recurring dream in which I am always in labor, experiencing no pain. Although there are nursing staff, I am in some sort of laboratory, and everything is very pleasant. I never actually give birth, and when I wake, I always have a vague feeling of disappointment’ (VI).

This dream may reflect a conflict between the dreamer’s conscious decision to not have more children and their biological urge for another baby.

Dream Example 3: Preparation for Death

Example: ‘My mouth was full of what looked like liver. It was also coming out of my left ear. When I turned away from the mirror, I saw medical people in caps and gowns who kept telling me to bear down. I then gave birth to a baby out of my mouth. I am an invalid and very sick at present’ (Mr MS).

This dream likely symbolizes preparation for death. The baby represents all that can continue to live on after the dreamer’s physical life ends.

See Also: responsibility, unmet needs, biological urges, death preparation.


Dream Interpretation: Understanding Dreams about Babies and New Beginnings

Universal Landscape: A new idea, relationship, or event.

Dreaming Lens

Were you in physical proximity to the baby? Was your relationship to the baby intimate or estranged? Was the baby vibrant and expressive, or passive, ill, or dead? Were you the baby in the dream? Did you know the parents of the baby, and were they present?

Personal Focus

The essential meaning of a baby as a symbol connects to the new life it represents. Babies grow up to become adult human beings, but in their infancy, they embody all the potential that has yet to be expressed. In this way, a baby in a dream is likely expressing a new chapter in your life that is just beginning and has yet to unfold into full manifestation.

The helplessness of a baby carries intense responsibilities, and this fragility reflects the delicate nature of new ideas and ventures as they mature into actual life choices and options.

Symbolism for Women

Men and women have different biological relationships to babies. For women, a dream featuring a baby might be more literal depending on life circumstances. This could relate to concerns about parenting, pending childbirth, or unconscious feelings around the ticking of the biological clock. If having a baby is not realistic in waking life, this dream may connect to wish fulfillment, frustrations, or obstacles in creative expressions struggling to surface.

Symbolism for Men

The same meaning of new beginnings applies to men dreaming of babies. The life event triggering such a dream may require nurturing and attention worthy of the baby symbol. However, a male dreamer may need to consider the biological limitations of not being able to create an actual baby for an accurate interpretation.

Health of the Baby

The health of the dream baby might correlate with the vibrancy and strength—or their lack—involved in a new venture. A surprising appearance of a baby could symbolize sudden changes in direction inspired by new life events. Adoption of a baby may suggest that the new development in your life originates from someone else’s domain.

See Also: new beginnings, nurturing, creative expression, life changes.


To dream of a baby represents virtue, comfort, and starting over. Babies embody all aspects of your personality and character that are untainted and chaste.

If you find a baby in your dream, this indicates that you possess the ability to discover suppressed attributes and talents within yourself.

If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, then it implies your desire to conceal aspects of your life that you believe others will perceive as inadequate or insufficient.

If you dream that you are on your way to the hospital to have a baby, then it represents your need for comfort and nurturing. You rely on others to help you achieve your goals. It’s also possible that you want to avoid an obligation.

If you are pregnant, then this dream may represent your fears of not receiving adequate care when you are ready to give birth.

To dream of crying babies foretells of misfortunes, possible sicknesses, and hardships to come.

A bright, clean baby indicates that your life will be blessed with close relationships.

If a woman dreams she is nursing a baby this can indicate that someone very close to her will betray her confidence.

If your baby is sick with a fever in the dream, then this implies emotional distress.

To dream about a starving baby suggests that you are reliant on other people. You are lacking some aspect that must be satisfied urgently.

To see a dead baby in your dream indicates that some attribute or feature that you possess no longer exists.

To dream of an extremely small baby indicates that you are hesitant to allow others to see your true feelings and emotions. You don’t want them to know that you need assistance, and so you tackle a problem independently.

To dream that you are dipping a baby in and out of water implies that you wish that you didn’t have to face such burdening obligations. It reverts your subconscious back to the warm and tender time spent in the womb before birth. This dream may be representative of your desire to seek for a place of solace and relief.


To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings.

A love affair may be blooming for you in your near future. You will also make new and fun friends. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure. More “Baby” dream meanings: If you dream of a crying baby, part of yourself that is deprived of attention and affection.

To see a dead baby in your dream symbolizes the ending of something that is part of you.

To dream of a talking baby means you need to listen to your inner child. Your subconscious has an important message for you.

If you dream of nursing a baby, you will be deceived by the one you trust the most.

If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities. You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses.

If you dream of having a baby with downs syndrome or retardation, you are having feelings of self-doubt. You are afraid of being left out or left behind. You may also be trying to avoid responsibility for something.

To dream that you have a false pregnancy (you think you are pregnant, but find out there is no baby), there is some aspect of yourself or your personal life that is changing, but you are not ready to talk about it yet. You may also be having trouble making a new personal goal or project happen. Dreaming about a premature baby often symbolizes a newly developing relationship (or possibly a new creative idea) in your real life. You may have some anxiety about this new situation or relationship. TO dream of a baby spitting up is a warning to be careful of who you trust. Someone who you count on could be deceiving you. Also see “Adopt/Adoption”, “Baby Bottle”, “Baby Carriage”, “Baby Clothes”, “Baby Food”, “Baby Pictures”, “Pregnancy”, “Twins”, “Triplets”, “Quadruplets”, “Quintuplets”, and “Sextuplets”


(See Also: Birth, Child)

(1) A baby commonly appears in the dreams of pregnant women. Usually in such cases no symbolism needs to be looked for.

(2) In other women’s dreams a baby may express (unconscious) desire for a baby.

(3) The baby may represent vour own vulnerability, or vour need for love. This applies to both men and women. When the ‘babv’ within vou - the hurt, frustrated self - cries out, it is very difficult to look at yourself objectively, but an effort must be made to see this frightened or rejected child as a part of yourself that needs your love. It may be that this self-pitving part of you is crying out for another person’s love, but in the first place, at least, the love must be given by you: you (the conscious, decision-making ego) must positively love yourself (the sensitive, hurt ‘child’ within your psyche). Only that way will the child in you grow up and mature.

(4) A baby may symbolize your pure, innocent, true self: what vou rcallv are - or were intended to be - as distinct from what various kinds of conditioning and wrong choices have made you.

(5) The babv may represent some new development in your personality or in your personal life.


Dreaming of a baby means that you are happy and alive, wanting to create. It represents something new in your life that is calling your attention. It also denotes that new ideas or feelings are rising from your inner self. On the other hand, it might reveal a deep desire to return to your origins and discover your true personality. In this regard, it symbolizes the pure and uncorrupted nature of the subject. Perhaps, the dream manifests that you are innocent of an indictment that concerns you.

If you are turned into a baby it may reflect need for love and protection. Of course, this dream can also express the paternal or maternal instincts and the desire to make them come true. (See Also: MOTHER, WIFE, CHEST)

Amazingly, most old books about dreams do not relate babies to pregnancy. On the contrary, if a woman dreams of raising a child, someone she trusts will disappoint her.


Vision: Dreaming about feeding a baby: much hard work is ahead before you can reap the rewards of your labor. Rocking a baby in a cradle: good luck and happiness. Seeing a dead baby: someone is going to die.

If you are giving birth, something new within you is being born—a new direction in life, a new idea, etc.

If you are a woman dreaming that you are nursing a baby at your Breast: you desperately want to have a baby; or you want to help someone, take care of someone. Seeing a sleeping baby: your future looks bright.

If a sick baby is crying: things are not going well at your job or business.

Depth Psychology: The baby is a symbol of your unconscious wish for a carefree, happy childhood; a need to feel more secure at present. Dreaming about a baby points to undeveloped character traits that need to be nourished so that you can grow to full maturity.


Many people from time to time will have babies or small children in their dreams.

If these newborns are strangers to you, you can assume that they represent you. You are the baby and the dream is telling you something about your development in a particular area of your life. At times of great change and renewal, a baby may appear in a dream and represent your potential and a new beginning. Some of the meaning of the dream may be obtained by considering what the baby looked like and was doing. Generally, babies represent innocence and are symbols of the purest form of a human whose possibilities are endless. However, if the babies appearance is odd, and if your interactions with it are bizarre or unusual, you need to consider your own well-being (psychologically) and think about what personal experiences and psychological hang-ups have prevented you from growing.


See Also: Child.

A dream known to be good, good news, success, and advancement.

A wish is fulfilled, a childhood wish. Or, it may suggest that the dreamer is childish and immature, wanting to be taken care of. Often this image corresponds to a feeling of helplessness. This is also the symbol for a loved one (“my baby,” “sugar baby,” etc.).

If the baby is perceived as a threat, the dreamer might be afraid of an accidental pregnancy, as in Abortion. Also, it may suggest fear of letting go of one’s children.

In another context, longing for rebirth and a new beginning. Always ask yourself what you would do differently if you could start over again.

Folklore: A child in a dream always promises good luck and happiness, unless the baby is not feeling well, which means bad luck in love.


Babies are very complex dream symbols that represent everything from the rebirth of the self, the emergence of new possibilities in your life, or being rendered helpless and vulnerable. Even a new baby in the dreamer’s life may be indicated by this dream, but not always.

This symbol often shows up when the dreamer is entering a new phase of life, which is like giving birth to oneself. Bad dreams in which a baby is deformed, has injuries, or is stillborn are not uncommon for parents who are anxious about the pregnancy, especially for expectant couples who have never had children before. Even though it feels like a dreadfully horrible nightmare, it’s usually nothing to be taken seriously, unless it becomes a nightly event. (See Also: Embryo, Miscarriage, Pregnant).


A baby is a new idea, relationship, event, direction, project, etc.

The essential meaning of a baby as a symbol connects to the new life it represents. Babies grow up to become adult human beings, but in their infancy, they embody all the potential that has yet to be expressed. In this way, a baby in a dream is likely to be expressing some new chapter in your life that is just beginning and has yet to unfold into full manifestation.

The age of the baby may give clues as to when the consciousness that it represents was born.

A one- year-old baby may indicate a new shift in your life that began a year before you had the dream.


(See Also: Abortion, Adoption, Birth, Embryo, Miscarriage, Orphaned, Toys)

A very common dream for pregnant women. In this case, it needs no further interpretation.

Figuratively, new endeavors, ideals, or the opportunity to develop specific positive characteristics.

Our own inner child, who frequently gets neglected in the hectic adult world. This type of dream often comes to workaholics and overachievers who need to play more and nurture themselves.

A return to innocence. Pure trust and love without expectation.

Immature attitudes, emotions, or spiritual outlooks.


To dream about a baby that is our own indicates that we need to recognize those vulnerable feelings over which we have no control. We may be attempting something new.

If the baby is someone else’s in the dream, we need to be aware of that person’s ability to be hurt, or that they may be innocent of something. Psychologically we are in touch with the innocent, curious side of ourselves, with the part that neither wants nor needs responsibility.

Dreaming of a baby can indicate that, on a spiritual level, the dreamer has a need for a feeling of purity.


A successful climax to your love affair is indicated by your dreaming of a lovely baby. It also indicates that you will have many good friends.

A baby who cries, is fretful or vomits, or otherwise appears to be suffering, or is ill nourished, augurs disappointment in matters of the heart.

For a lover to call you f’baby, , in your dreams is indicative of a change in your love affairs or unfaithfulness on the part of one you have trusted. It indicates a light-hearted attitude toward the love in which you have believed.


If the baby was pretty, you will be fortunate through the help of friends.

However, if the baby was ugly or in any way displeasing to you, look out for treachery in someone you are inclined to trust Helpless or sick babies are generally a warning of difficulties ahead, so be cautious in your business and/ or love affairs.

A walking baby indicates sudden independence, and if you dreamed of many babies, great satisfaction and hap piness are coming your way.

See Also: Cry.


To dream of crying babies, is indicative of ill health and disappointments.

A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends. Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits.

If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to dream that you take your baby if sick with fever. You will have many sorrows of mind.


Crying babies in a dream may foretell of ill health or minor disappointments in your personal life while a bright, clean baby speaks of a wonderful love affair or even the making of many new friends.

A nursing baby can mean contentment or even deception when taken in relation to other symbols in your dream.

Dreaming of a baby can also denote the state of your soul life, again in relation to the other signs.


For a woman, married or single.

To dream oE having a baby is a sign that a pet ambition will be realized.

For a man to have this dream (which is not unusual) the portent is not so good. He is likely to be involved in a scandal that will have serious consequences.

A dream of seeing happy and smiling babies augurs contentment within the family circle.


1. Happiness.

2. Rebirth, innocence.

3. A period of vulnerabil­ity, trustfulness.

4. Feeling neglected (crying baby).

5. Regression to an earlier stage of development, especially to escape responsi­bility.

6. A creative or artistic endeavor.

7. Nurturing important ideas, projects.

8. Fun surprises are in the offing.


A baby just beginning to walk without assistance is a dream that presages a spirit of independence and, through this, great success.

To dream of seeing a baby in a baby carriage means that you will have many good times in the company of a friend. Twin babies in a carriage denote wealth.


It is a curious fact that it is fortunate to see CHILDREN in a dream, if they are old enough to be independent, but a helpless baby is a bad sign. It usually shows some disappointment in love, or if the baby is unwell, a serious illness or even death in the family.



A crying baby, sickness or disappointment.

A happy, laughing baby, many friends.

A sleeping baby, desire for a mate.

A baby nursing, a sign of deception by a friend or business acquaintance.

To bear a baby, desire to show or prove fertility; the urge for sexual pleasures.


A baby is the result of the uniting of a male and female. In the language of the unconscious, this represents the cooperative use of the aggressive and receptive principles to create something new. In other words, a baby is a universal symbol of new beginnings.


Dreams of a baby symbolize innocence, vulnerability, untapped potential, and dependence. Your dream might be telling you that a baby is on the way or that perhaps a new project or relationship is forthcoming.

See Also: Spring, Infant, Pregnancy, Child.


Sitting-Dreams of baby-sitting symbolize vigilance and perhaps a message for you to take care of the aspect of you that is the most vulnerable.

If you dream that someone is babysitting you this represents an inability to fully express your wishes.


Birth (If Married) Predicts happiness and good fortune. Birth (If Single) Trouble in a relationship. Crying; Disappointment. Happy baby; Happiness in relationships. Carriage; Pleasant surprises forthcoming


A new world, a new life, promising new enterprises.

Youth, innocence.

An upcoming birth in the dreamer’s immediate circle. Astrological parallel: Leo Tarot parallel: The Sun


If you are nursing a baby, it denotes sorrow and misfortune.

If you see a baby that is sick, it means that somebody among your relatives will die.


Babies can symbolize a new thing being brought into a person’s life, Isa. 42:9.

A baby is also symbolic of a gift from God, Ps. 127:3


New birth within self; new aspects coming into being, new beginning. Openness, untapped potential for growth.


A new beginning conceived by entering into a new course of action, i.E.

The birth of a new job, etc.


See Also: people


Dream Interpretation: Baby-Related Symbols and Their Meanings

Positive Meanings

  • Beautiful baby: You need nurturing and encouragement in your life.
  • Feeding a baby: You will eventually reap the rewards of your labor.
  • Taking first steps: Your reluctance to act causes difficulties with associates.
  • Helpless baby: What seems insignificant may prove to be of great value.
  • Many babies: Your friend's refusal to grow up shouldn’t hinder you.
  • Newborn baby: Represents a union at the physical, mental, and spiritual levels.
  • Baby in diapers: Be open and not fearful of events.
  • Sleeping baby: Your future looks bright if you accept your responsibilities.
  • Very smart baby: Represents a struggle for perfection of the higher self.
  • Toddling baby: Sudden independence feels intoxicating.
  • Your baby: Represents a rebirth of self in a state of innocence.

Negative Meanings

  • Another’s baby: You have an infantile dependence on someone who may not be aware of it.
  • Bald baby: You long to return to a time when being bald was considered adorable.
  • Baby’s buttocks: You feel exhausted by constant efforts to reunite your family.
  • Being in a baby carriage: Your responsibilities are hampering your social life.
  • Baby with others: Jealousy of a sibling; pay attention to your inner child.
  • Crying baby, hearing: Family disputes will be resolved by an outsider.
  • Refusing to change diapers: Your husband's job will take him away from home for long periods.
  • Drooling baby: You will soon attend a party with your peers.
  • Giving birth to a baby: Now is the time to start a new, more productive direction.
  • Bringing a baby home to a nursery: Disturbed love.
  • Nursing a baby: Reflects concern for your helplessness and a wish to be loved.
  • Rocking a cradle: Forget selfishness to keep the peace.
  • Being a sick baby: Failure to overcome basic instincts.
  • Baby crying and being sick: Feeling neglected, but you must take care of business problems.
  • Being a babysitter: Be wary of your own security; you may be blamed for another's anger.
  • Baby sucking milk from mother's breast: You are too dependent on parental guidance.
  • Baby of a wet nurse: You are too reliant on others who may not be loyal to you.
  • Baby in swaddling clothes: Your ideas are being stifled in early development.
  • Ugly baby: Misfortune ahead from someone you trust.

Neutral Meanings

  • Finding a foundling: Take care of all children within your reach.

Lucky Numbers

Lucky numbers: 05-13-39-47-51-52


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  2. The Way of Dreams and Visions by [Back to dream]
  3. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  4. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  5. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  6. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  7. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  8. A Dictionary of Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  9. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  10. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  11. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  12. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  13. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  14. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  15. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  16. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  17. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  18. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  19. Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  20. Encyclopedia of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  21. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  22. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  23. The Complete Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  24. Mystic Dream Book by [Back to dream]
  25. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  26. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  27. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
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  29. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  30. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
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  33. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
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27 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about baby related.


Babysitting is an activity which crosses the divide between the spiritual and the physical. Spiritually it suggests the nurturing, caring side of the personality or that part which...

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Baby Carriage

1. Urges for a family, to have a baby.2. A need or desire to care for the child within. ...

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Feelings of protection, guardianship or supervision over another. ...

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Baby Food

To dream about seeing or feeding baby food means that nourishment and compassion are needed in some situation. It can also be a more literal message - that you should be consuming ...

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Baby Shower

To dream about a baby shower is an indication of a fresh beginning. You will have the opportunity for a fresh start.It is an affirmation of life itself....

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Baby Carriages

To dream of a baby carriage, denotes that you will have a congenial friend who will devise many pleasurable surprises for you. ...

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Kid (baby Goat)

1. Dreamer feels small and defenseless.2. Reckless or playful youth.3. Desire to be a kid again. ...

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Baby Crow

(Fledgling, Nestling) A fledgling crow in a dream represents poverty, need, separation from one’s parents and segregation from one’s relatives or clan.If one is experiencing su...

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Baby Love

Completely dependent upon the loved person for one s needs, physical, emotional and social. Great anger, jeal­ousy or pain if the loved one relates to anyone else. Wants to be alw...

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Baby / Child

To dream of a sleeping baby or small child means you have a shy; trusting nature.A baby crawling about means you will need to think quickly and make quick decisions.A crying child ...

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Baby Animals

The childlike side of our personality, or possibly children known to us, can give us information about innocence and naivety....

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Baby Bottle

To dream about a baby bottle suggests that you are in need of TLC. You may be feeling vulnerable or emotional. There is a part of you that is deprived of attention and needs some n...

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Baby Clothes

To see baby clothes in your dream suggests that you need to outgrow old ways of thinking and expressing yourself. You have outgrown them and it is time to move on....

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Baby Pictures

To dream about looking at baby pictures, or seeing your own baby picture, suggests that you are unwilling to let go of your memories and the past. You may be idealizing the past an...

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Babysitting / Babysitter

To dream of babysitting children, represents your need to make stronger friendships based on real affection and values, instead of superficial things.If the baby you are taking car...

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Pay more attention to your inner child. Nurture and care for it....

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Animals With Their Young Or Baby Animals

Maternal and paternal instinct; your basic childhood need for love and protection or your own experience of being parented. A baby animal can refer to yourself when young and vulne...

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1. Place of captivity; Rev. 14:8;2. Place of fornication;3. The world system and false church; Rev. 18:10;...

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Babies And Children

In dreams, babies and children often symbolize new beginnings, innocence, or aspects of spiritual growth. Here are some common interpretations: Symbolism of Babies 1. Innocence...

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What Is The Biblical Meaning Of A Baby In A Dream?

General MeaningIn most cultures, including Biblical tradition, dreaming about a baby usually represents innocence, new beginnings, renewal, or birth. It symbolizes purity and untai...

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Baby Covered In Poop Drives Into A Water-filled Ditch

Positive InterpretationAt first glance, such a dream might seem peculiar and unpleasant, but it carries noteworthy positive interpretations. Firstly, the baby symbolizes new beginn...

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Baby Girl

General MeaningDreaming of a baby girl usually symbolizes innocence, care, and love. The baby girl in the dream could mean an aspect of the self that is pure, vulnerable, and uncor...

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What Does It Mean If You Have A Baby In A Dream?

General MeaningThe dream of having a baby typically symbolizes a period of growth and development. It can reflect new beginnings, potential, opportunities, or birth of new ideas. O...

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What Does It Mean When You Dream About An Unknown Baby?

General MeaningDreaming about an unknown baby generally signifies new beginnings, potential, purity, and innocence. Just as babies are new to this world and full of potential, your...

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Baby Boy With Earrings

General MeaningDreaming about a baby boy generally reflects the unconscious mind\'s representation of something new coming into your life. It could be a new project, idea, or situa...

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Being Treated Like A Baby

General MeaningDreams about being treated like a baby can be quite complex to interpret and can indicate various situations depending on the context. Generally, it can symbolize a ...

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Cow Giving Birth To Calf

General MeaningThe dream of a cow giving birth is usually associated with fertility and abundance. Cows are often seen as symbols of motherhood and nurturing. They\'re known to be ...

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A to Z Dream Interpretation