Attacked By The Red Army At Night Dream Interpretation

sleeping boy


A Dream Interpretation About The Attacked By The Red Army At Night

Dream of being attacked by 'Red Army' reflects feelings of hostility, fear, or threat in real life. It suggests internal conflicts, vulnerability, and repressed anxiety.

General Meaning

Dreams about being attacked by a \'Red Army\' often symbolizes a feeling of hostility, trepidation, or threat of hostile forces in waking life. The color red is frequently associated with war, danger, power, and passion, which might suggest an individual is encountering a powerful emotional or physical assault, either actual or symbolic. The night setting might hint at a period of uncertainty or fear within your waking life and could relate to troubles in bed such as insomnia or fear of nightmares.

Furthermore, the term \'Red Army\' might bear historical connotations, referring to the Soviet Union’s Red Army during the Cold War. Thus, this dream could possibly express subconscious fears of indoctrination, diminishment of freedom, or the emerging power of a threatening, larger-than-life entity that seems ominous and inescapable.

Positive and Negative Interpretation


This dream may have some positive aspects, despite its rather alarming nature. Being attacked is an indication that you possess something valuable - perhaps your freedom, ideas or independence - that someone else desires. It could also imply that you are strong enough to be perceived as a threat. Additionally, surviving such an attack in the dream often indicates resilience and the ability to overcome adversity.


However, generally, the dream holds more negative connotations. Being pursued by an army may suggest that you feel overwhelmed by external pressures or expectations in your waking life, perhaps feeling as though you’re constantly on the defensive. It could symbolize a feeling of vulnerability or lack of control. The oppressive sense linked with the red army may refer to fear of conforming to societal pressures or losing one\'s individuality.

Future Outlook

The dream\'s negative implications can be used as a warning signal - perhaps, you need to strengthen your defenses, emotionally or physically. The red army may embody a particular person or a situation that you feel is a threat in your waking life. So, identifying and facing this issue might reduce feeling overwhelmed or threatened.

However, this dream isn’t a conception of an inevitable future but a reflection of your current fears and anxieties. By paying attention to these dreams, one can start recognizing and addressing these issues, thereby influencing a more positive and controlled future experience.

Psychological interpretation

From a psychological perspective, such a dream may point to internal conflict, possibly an internal struggle between what you want and what you believe you should do, hence the symbolism of a battle. The \'Red Army\' might signify the dominant, coercive, or authoritarian aspects of your personality overpowering the submissive, free-spirited, or rebellious aspects.

Moreover, dreams about being attacked often tie in with repressed fear or anxiety that has yet to be confronted. The dream may be a call to face this fear and address the source of anxiety that might be manifesting as an imposing, indestructible army. By dissecting and dealing with these issues, one can better understand oneself and move forward towards personal growth.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Insights by [Back to dream]

48 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about attacked , red and army night related.


Dark red is redemption, like the blood of christ, and bright red is the fire of tribulation; see “fire”...

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dayExample: It was a beautiful hot sunny day, and I was in a children’s playground talking to a woman I knew vaguely’ (Kim B). Mostly our mood. In the example Kim feels bright ...

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Ira (irish Republican Army)

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